
Academic Assessment Council & Philosophy

About the Academic Assessment Council

The Academic Assessment Council is a University body made up of the College Assessment Coordinators, Representatives from CELT, CAB, Institutional Research, the Graduate School, and the Dean of Undergraduate Education.  Additional members can be added on a temporary or ad hoc basis. The AAC meets regularly, year-round and works on various tasks and activities supporting program assessment, including but not limited to:

  • Provide Leadership, oversight/guidance and coordination for campus assessment activity and related processes such as 5-year program reviews, WASC, other
  • Advocate for the value of continuous, meaningful assessment as it relates to program, college and university academic and strategic priorities
  • Contribute to a culture assessment by engaging in ongoing campus-wide conversations on the nature of student learning assessment and its relationship to effective teaching, learning, and advising
  • Develop, maintain and make available assessment information: digital, website, handbook, tutorials, workshops, etc.
  • Ensure support mechanisms available for assessment work and improvement
  • Promote the assessment work and reporting cycle and highlight assessment related outcomes or practices

AAC Members 2018-2019

  • Daniel Grassian, Vice Provost for Academic Programs
  • Susan Avanzino, Co-chair
  • Ryan Patten, Co-chair and BSS Coordinator
  • Sharon Barrios, Interim Dean of Graduate Studies
  • Jeff Bell, NSC Coordinator
  • William Cuthbertson, MLIB Representative
  • Patrick Doyle, AGR Coordinator
  • Chiara Ferrari, CAB Representative
  • Nicol Gray, Curriculum Services
  • Kate McCarthy, Interim Dean of Undergraduate Education
  • Kathleen Meehan, ECC Coordinator
  • Kristin Minetti, BUS Coordinator
  • Deborah Summers, CME Coordinator
  • Saundra Wright, HFA Coordinator

Assessment Roles

College Assessment Coordinator

A College Assessment Coordinator is appointed by the Dean of each college and has the following responsibilities:

  • Convene Program Assessment Facilitators within college
  • Coordinate program reporting and archiving within college and Blackboard Learn
  • Provide support for facilitators, training, consultation, discussion, etc.
  • Establish and maintain updated Blackboard site for College Assessment Group
  • Facilitate sharing of best practices, tools, report information between programs and for college community, train new College Coordinator
  • Work with faculty & chairs to integrate assessment and 5-year report activity
  • Coordinate with Dean & Chairs to advance assessment work and quality
  • Ensure timely reporting to Dean and beyond as needed
  • Provide report feedback to facilitators/chairs/programs
  • Membership and participation on the Academic Assessment Council 

Program Assessment Facilitator/Facilitation

A Program Assessment Facilitator may be selected in each program through a process determined by the program. Or a program can take collective or shared responsibility for the facilitation of assessment tasks and responsibilities. Whether there is a designated person or the role is shared, the facilitator or program has the following assessment responsibilities:

  • Convene program assessment meetings addressing short and long-term assessment plans, involving faculty in the planning process, assessment work, and implementation and tracking of improvements
  • Facilitate semester or yearly assessment work in conjunction with faculty, which can include but is not limited to, SLOs selection, sample work identification and collection, tool selection or revision, data evaluation, data analysis and discussion of improvements and implementation plans
  • Develop assessment knowledge and skills by taking advantage of campus resources to support program assessment activity
  • Attend university and college assessment related events, workshops, meetings
  • Work with the Department Chair, College Coordinator and program/department faculty to advance the assessment process and quality
  • Report program findings using established templates, meeting established deadlines and additional requests for information
  • Identify what party is responsible for producing and delivering the final reports to the College Coordinator
  • Plan for and prepare replacement Facilitator if needed. New facilitators shall not be responsible for reporting previous work unless an agreement was made indicating that was an expectation