Chicano/ Latino Council


Article I – Name 

Section 1
The name of this organization shall be Chicano/ Latino Council (CLC) of CSU, Chico.

Article II – Purpose

Section 1
The purpose of this organization shall be to address Chicano/ Latino concerns; to further a greater understanding of the social and political climate in the Chicano/ Latino community; and to promote cultural awareness, leadership development, and the academic and professional advancement of Chicanos/ Latinos.

Section 2
The CLC will act as a resource and advisory body for individuals and groups to pursue Chicano/ Latino issues within a structure that will allow for input from all segments of the CSU, Chico campus.

Section 3
The CLC will:  facilitate the sharing and distribution of information pertaining to Chicano/ Latino issues; create and maintain an organizational structure that promotes communication and addresses individual, group and university needs; maintain liaison and communication with other Latino organizations and the surrounding community; and monitor the status of issues which have impact on Chicanos/ Latinos at CSU, Chico.

Section 4
The CLC will observe all CSU, Chico policies, procedures, and labor agreements as stated and updated in its deliberations toward attaining said purpose.

Article III – Membership

Section 1
Any member of the CSU, Chico staff, faculty, and student body who expresses interest in participating and is willing to accept the responsibility of participation as an active member of the CLC will be welcomed as a member.

Section 2
The CLC’s voting members will consist of any member of the CSU, Chico staff and faculty body who has paid dues.  Annual year dues (academic year) will be determined by the officers and collected in the fall.

Section 3
Students are ineligible as voting members, but are welcome to attend and participate in the CLC meetings and activities.

Section 4
The removal of any member for cause shall be by a two-thirds vote of all members in good standing, provided that all members have been notified in writing by the secretary of the organization, and provided that said notification contains a statement of a cause and the name of the member initiating the action. 

Article IV – Meetings

Section 1
The CLC will meet at least once per month or as often as deemed necessary by the membership.  All CLC meetings will be open to the community of CSU, Chico.  The CLC and all committees reserve the right to meet in closed session.  All closed session meetings must be duly reported at the next open meeting of the CLC.

Section 2
A special meeting of the CLC may be called at any time by the membership.

Section 3
All standing and ad hoc task forces must meet regularly in order to submit current status reports to the CLC.

Section 4
The affirmative vote of a simple majority of the voting membership present will be needed to pass a motion on any matter put forth to a vote.

Article V – Officers

Section 1 - Chair
The Chair shall function as the Chief Executive Officer of the CLC in all matters of business; notify the membership of the time and place of meetings; reside over and conduct meetings; and represent the CLC at official functions.

Section 2 - Associate Chair
The Associate Chair shall assist the Chair in all duties.  In the absence of the Chair, the Associate Chair shall serve as the Chief Executive Officer.

Section 3 - Past Chair
The Past Chair shall serve as an advisor to the Chair.

Section 4 - Secretary
The Secretary shall take minutes (including attendance) and disseminate them to CLC members and other interested individuals as deemed necessary by the CLC; and prepare all internal and external correspondence.

Section 5 - Treasurer
The Treasurer shall be responsible for all funds collected on behalf of CLC; collect annual dues for CLC, if appropriate; receive, and give receipt for, monies due and payable to CLC and on behalf of CLC; and maintain adequate and correct accounts of CLC’s funds.

Section 6 - Membership Coordinator
The Membership Coordinator shall keep a list of the membership together with their campus/local addresses; contact potential new members, minimally on an annual basis (including student organization officers); and update the CLC listserv and forward such listserv to the other officers.

Section 7 - Historian
The Historian shall maintain all materials pertaining to the CLC, and is the archivist of the CLC; and create and maintain a social network page and a website for CLC and add/delete items as appropriate.

Section 8 - Social Coordinator
The Social Coordinator shall be responsible for planning and executing, with the input and support of the membership, social events each semester.  The Social Coordinator will chair the Bienvenida committee (see Article VI).

Section 9 - Term of Office
Officers will be elected in the spring for staggered two year terms with the possibility of re-election.  In the event of a vacancy, the Chair shall appoint a replacement for the duration of the term.

Article VI – Committees/Task Forces

Section 1 - Bienvenida Committee
The Bienvenida is the welcome reception for new faculty, staff and students.  This will be comprised of the CLC membership and chaired by the Social Coordinator.

Section 2 - Other committees and task forces will be created as needed.

Article VII – Fundraising

Section 1
The CLC will participate in fundraising activities as needed.

Article VIII – Amendments

Section 1
Amendments to these By Laws may be made at any meeting of the general voting membership by a two-thirds vote of those present, after notification in writing to each member before the meeting at which the voting is to take place.

Article IX – Parliamentary Procedure

Section 1
Standard meeting procedures as established by the members, shall govern the proceedings of this organization.

Revised 4-20-11