Office of the President

Approval of New Core and Options for the MS in Electrical Engineering

Executive Memorandum 00-034 May 22, 2000

From: Manuel A. Esteban, President

Subject: Approval of New Core and Options for the MS in Electrical Engineering


Upon the recommendation of the Academic Senate and with the concurrence of the Provost, I approve a new core and two options to the MS in Electrical Engineering, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, College of Engineering, Computer Science, and Technology, effective fall 2000. Units required for the MS will remain unchanged at 30 units.

The newly restructured degree program will consist of the following:

Core - 9 units

Option in Computer Engineering - 21 units (Note: the new option will report using HEGIS code number 09094. ) Option in Electronic Engineering - 21 units (Note: the new option will report using HEGIS code number 09092. )

Note: Control Systems, Communication Systems, and Digital Signal Processing Patterns will be replaced by the restructured program.