Office of the President

Approval of a Minor Change to the BA in Geography

Executive Memorandum 12-087 November 28, 2012

From: Paul J. Zingg, President

Subject: Approval of a Minor Change to the BA in Geography

Upon the recommendation of the Provost, I approve a minor change to the BA in Geography. This change reduces the number of required courses in the core of the program from 5 to 4, bringing the program in line with the community college TMC for Geography. To accomplish this, GEOG 317 will move from the list of required courses within the core to one of the list of electives. Other program changes include adding GEOG 438 as a required course to the Option in Human Geography and Planning, increasing the number of required courses from 3 to 4. The elective lists within this option are being reorganized where instead of 3 elective lists there will be 2 elective lists. The number of units will not change. This change will be effective Fall 2013.