Academic Senate

Internal Research Grants Committee

2023-2024 Committee Members
Hossein ZakeriAgricultureAGR2022-25
Patrick JohnsonPsychologyBSS2021-24
Catherine LemmiSchool of EducationCME2022-25
Stephen TreanorInformation Systems, Finance, &  AccountingCOB2023-26
Ozgul YasarMechanical and Mechatronic Engineering and Sustainable ManufacturingECC2021-24
Dann SargentMusic, Theatre, and DanceHFA2023-26
Stefani BaldiviaLibrary Research, Instruction, and OutreachLIB2023-26
Carolynn Arpin (temporarily)Chemistry and BiochemistryNSC2021-24

Senate Appointments: Eight faculty members, one nominated from and by each academic college and Information Technology, and selected  by the Executive Committee of the Academic Senate. 

Term: 3 years

Duties: Promote the participation by all members of the University community in sponsored programs and research activities; provide advice and recommendations on policy matters with regard to the operation of sponsored program on the campus; serve as a campus voice in promotion and providing recognition for sponsored program activities; review and recommend to the dean proposals submitted for internal grant competitions that support research, scholarship, creative activities, demonstration projects, and other related activities.

See EM 14-012.