"Good advising may be
the single most underestimated characteristic of a successful college experience."
– R.J. Light
Chico State’s innovative and nationally recognized General Education (GE) Program organizes courses into thematic Pathways and allows the opportunity to earn an interdisciplinary minor that will enhance the resume of students in any major.
GE courses don't prepare you for a specific job; they prepare you for any job, by teaching you how to think critically, how to write effectively, how to problem solve, and how to build just societies and restore a sustainable planet.
Courses that satisfy General Education (GE) can vary based on your Catalog Year. Please refer to your Degree Progress Report, which is accessible through your Student Center in the Portal to see your specific GE requirements.
General Education Resources:
Students should enroll in Written Communication and Mathematics/Quantitative Reasoning during the first academic year unless the requirement has been completed prior to entering the university.
Complete one course from each of the following disciplinary areas:
Agriculture, Food, and the Environment explores the importance of food through agricultural, environmental, economic, and cultural lenses. By critically thinking about the role of foodways in our everyday lives, students engage in scientific inquiry, explore equitable practices in communities, develop skills related to their field, and produce effective writing and multimedia projects.
Some of these courses may be used toward the Agriculture, Food, and the Environment GE Minor.
1 course selected from:
ERTH 375 - Geology of Food and Health - 3.00 units - Fall/Spring
NFSC 310 - Global Nutrition - 3.00 units - Fall/Spring - Global Cultures
PSSC 390 - Food Forever: Comparisons of Sustainable Food Production Systems - 3.00 units - Fall Only - Global Cultures
*Course may be used toward the GE Minor in Agriculture, Food, and the Environment
PSSC 392 - World Food and Fiber Systems - 3.00 units - Spring Only - Global Cultures
*Course may be used toward the GE Minor in Agriculture, Food, and the Environment
1 course selected from:
ENGL 338W - Environmental Rhetoric (W) - 3.00 units - Fall/Spring
*Course may be used toward the GE Minor in Agriculture, Food, and the Environment
HIST 341W - American Environment (W) - 3.00 units - Fall/Spring - United States Diversity
PHIL 336 - American Indian Environmental Philosophies - 3.00 units - Fall/Spring - United States Diversity
PHIL 339W - Confronting the Animal: Theory, Culture, and Practice (W) - 3.00 units - Fall/Spring
RELS 339W - Confronting the Animal: Theory, Culture, and Practice (W) - 3.00 units - Fall/Spring
1 course selected from:
ABUS 390 - World Food and Hunger Issues - 3.00 units - Fall/Spring - Global Cultures
*Course may be used toward the GE Minor in Agriculture, Food, and the Environment
ANTH 333 - Nature, Culture, Environment - 3.00 units - Fall/Spring - Global Cultures
ANTH 340 - Anthropology of Food - 3.00 units - Fall/Spring - Global Cultures
ANTH 340W - Anthropology of Food (W) - 3.00 units - Fall/Spring - Global Cultures
ECON 365 - Environmental Economics - 3.00 units - Fall/Spring
GEOG 301W - Global Economic Geography (W) - 3.00 units - Fall/Spring - Global Cultures
SOCI 420 - Environmental Sociology - 3.00 units - Fall/Spring - United States Diversity
California Studies takes part in an honest exploration of the diverse ethnic, religious, linguistic, and environmental composition of California in order to navigate trends in current and future culture and industry.
Some of these courses may be used toward the California Studies GE Minor.
1 course selected from:
BIOL 330 - California Ethnobotany - 3.00 units - Fall/Spring
*Course may be used toward the GE Minor in California Studies
BIOL 334 - Conservation Ecology - 3.00 units - Fall/Spring
ERTH 355 - Natural Disasters - 3.00 units - Fall/Spring
*Course may be used toward the GE Minor in California Studies
1 course selected from:
FLNG 355 - Bilingualism in North America - 3.00 units - Fall/Spring - United States Diversity
*Course may be used toward the GE Minor in California Studies
HIST 382 - Modern Mexico - 3.00 units - Fall Only - Global Cultures
HIST 382W - Modern Mexico (W) - 3.00 units - Fall Only - Global Cultures
LAST 382 - Modern Mexico - 3.00 units - Fall Only - Global Cultures
LAST 382W - Modern Mexico (W) - 3.00 units - Fall Only - Global Cultures
PHIL 336 - American Indian Environmental Philosophies - 3.00 units - Fall/Spring - United States Diversity
RELS 357 - End of the World - 3.00 units - Fall/Spring
RELS 357W - End of the World (W) - 3.00 units - Fall/Spring
If you selected a POLS course to fulfill your lower-division Area D General Education requirement, you may not select a POLS course below.
1 course selected from:
AIST 362W - California Indians (W) - 3.00 units - Fall/Spring - United States Diversity
*Course may be used toward the GE Minor in California Studies
ANTH 362W - California Indians (W) - 3.00 units - Fall/Spring - United States Diversity
*Course may be used toward the GE Minor in California Studies
ECON 365 - Environmental Economics - 3.00 units - Fall/Spring
MGMT 380W - Socio-Economic Innovation in Far-Northern California (W) - 3.00 units - Fall/Spring
*Course may be used toward the GE Minor in California Studies
POLS 402 - State and Local Government - 3.00 units - Fall/Spring
SOSC 302 - Temporal Concepts: California Ethnic History - 3.00 units - Fall/Spring - United States Diversity
In Equity, Ethics and Policy, students explore power structures and the ways people can reclaim the power to shape decisions locally, regionally, and nationally. Examine the ethical complexities involved in balancing the needs and desires of humans in community and develop strategies to reimagine a more equitable world.
Some of these courses may be used toward the Equity, Ethics, and Policy GE Minor.
1 course selected from:
BIOL 303 - Human Genetics - 3.00 units - Fall/Spring
BIOL 322W - Science and Human Values (W) - 3.00 units - Fall/Spring
ERTH 320 - Water Equity and Power - 3.00 units - Fall/Spring
*Course may be used toward the GE Minor in Equity, Ethics, and Policy
PHYS 376W - War and Peace in the Nuclear Age (W) - 3.00 units - Fall/Spring
UNIV 330 - Undergraduate Research in College Equity and Success - 3.00 units - Fall/Spring
1 course selected from:
ENGL 355 - Bible, Literature, and Culture - 3.00 units - Fall Only
ENGL 356 - Literature, Politics, and Activism - 3.00 units - Spring Only
HUMN 300 - Conservatives and Liberals - 3.00 units - Fall/Spring - United States Diversity
*Course may be used toward the GE Minor in Equity, Ethics, and Policy
HUMN 300W - Conservatives and Liberals (W) - 3.00 units - Fall/Spring - United States Diversity
*Course may be used toward the GE Minor in Equity, Ethics, and Policy
PHIL 323W - Moral Issues in Parenting (W) - 3.00 units - Fall/Spring - Global Cultures
PHIL 339W - Confronting the Animal: Theory, Culture, and Practice (W) - 3.00 units - Fall/Spring
RELS 339W - Confronting the Animal: Theory, Culture, and Practice (W) - 3.00 units - Fall/Spring
If you selected a POLS course to fulfill your lower-division Area D General Education requirement, you may not select a POLS course below.
1 course selected from:
ECON 340W - Work, Wealth, and Income Distribution (W) - 3.00 units - Fall/Spring
GEOG 301W - Global Economic Geography (W) - 3.00 units - Fall/Spring - Global Cultures
GEOG 352 - The United States - 3.00 units - Fall/Spring - United States Diversity
POLS 365W - Theories, Practices, and Administration of Justice (W) - 3.00 units - Fall/Spring - United States Diversity
*Course may be used toward the GE Minor in Equity, Ethics, and Policy
SOCI 335 - Women, Work, and Family - 3.00 units - Spring Only - United States Diversity
SOSC 300 - Great Books and Ideas in the Social Sciences - 3.00 units - Fall/Spring
Be empowered to engage in self-exploration with real-life gender and sexuality issues, in order to develop greater open-mindedness, awareness, empathy and investment in our diverse world. Through a lens of inclusivity and equity, students think critically about the societal, cultural, political, biological and evolutionary systems that shape gender and sexuality.
Some of these courses may be used toward the Gender and Sexuality GE Minor.
1 course selected from:
BIOL 323 - Biology of Sex - 3.00 units - Fall/Spring
*Course may be used toward the GE Minor in Gender and Sexuality
MCGS 326W - Gender and Sexuality Perspectives on Disease (W) - 3.00 units - Fall/Spring
NURS 326W - Gender and Sexuality Perspectives on Disease (W) - 3.00 units - Fall/Spring
PHHA 368 - Women's Health - 3.00 units - Fall/Spring
*Course may be used toward the GE Minor in Gender and Sexuality
WMST 368 - Women's Health - 3.00 units - Fall/Spring
*Course may be used toward the GE Minor in Gender and Sexuality
1 course selected from:
HIST 326 - Gender and Sexuality in Modern European History - 3.00 units - Fall Only - Global Cultures
*Course may be used toward the GE Minor in Gender and Sexuality
HIST 335 - Gender and Sexuality in American History - 3.00 units - Spring Only - United States Diversity
*Course may be used toward the GE Minor in Gender and Sexuality
MCGS 315 - Performance of Identity - 3.00 units - Fall/Spring - United States Diversity
QTST 310 - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer Issues and Identities - 3.00 units - Fall/Spring - United States Diversity
QTST 310W - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer Issues and Identities (W) - 3.00 units - Fall/Spring - United States Diversity
THEA 315 - Performance of Identity - 3.00 units - Fall/Spring - United States Diversity
WMST 326 - Gender and Sexuality in Modern European History - 3.00 units - Fall Only - Global Cultures
*Course may be used toward the GE Minor in Gender and Sexuality
WMST 335 - Gender and Sexuality in American History - 3.00 units - Spring Only - United States Diversity
*Course may be used toward the GE Minor in Gender and Sexuality
If you selected a POLS course to fulfill your lower-division Area D General Education requirement, you may not select a POLS course below.
1 course selected from:
CHLD 333W - Children's Gender and Sexuality Development (W) - 3.00 units - Fall/Spring - United States Diversity
*Course may be used toward the GE Minor in Gender and Sexuality
POLS 324W - Women and Politics (W) - 3.00 units - Fall Only
*Course may be used toward the GE Minor in Gender and Sexuality
MCGS 401W - Sexual Minorities Law/Politics (W) - 3.00 units - Spring Only - United States Diversity
*Course may be used toward the GE Minor in Gender and Sexuality
POLS 401W - Sexual Minorities Law/Politics (W) - 3.00 units - Spring Only - United States Diversity
*Course may be used toward the GE Minor in Gender and Sexuality
PSYC 345 - Psychology of Women - 3.00 units - Fall/Spring
SOCI 335 - Women, Work, and Family - 3.00 units - Spring Only - United States Diversity
WMST 324W - Women and Politics (W) - 3.00 units - Fall Only
*Course may be used toward the GE Minor in Gender and Sexuality
WMST 339 - Cultural Images of Women - 3.00 units - Fall/Spring - United States Diversity
Global Studies expands your worldview through increased awareness of the art, science, politics, foodways, religions, and economic systems of the world. Learn to communicate across cultures and appreciate the challenges posed by unequal regional development.
Some of these courses may be used toward the Global Studies GE Minor.
1 course selected from:
NFSC 310 - Global Nutrition - 3.00 units - Fall/Spring - Global Cultures
*Course may be used toward the GE Minor in Global Studies
PHYS 376W - War and Peace in the Nuclear Age (W) - 3.00 units - Fall/Spring
PSSC 390 - Food Forever: Comparisons of Sustainable Food Production Systems - 3.00 units - Fall Only - Global Cultures
PSSC 392 - World Food and Fiber Systems - 3.00 units - Spring - Global Cultures
1 course selected from:
ENGL 353 - Multicultural Literature: Issues and Themes - 3.00 units - Fall/Spring - United States Diversity
FLNG 340W - World Literature in Translation (W) - 3.00 units - Fall/Spring - Global Cultures
FLNG 380 - Language and Culture in Film - 3.00 units - Fall Only - Global Cultures
HIST 305 - Catastrophe, Memory, and Society - 3.00 units - Fall/Spring - Global Cultures
HIST 362W - Middle Eastern Empires (W) - 3.00 units - Fall Only - Global Cultures
HIST 363 - The Modern Middle East - 3.00 units - Spring Only - Global Cultures
MEST 362W - Middle Eastern Empires (W) - 3.00 units - Fall Only - Global Cultures
MEST 363 - The Modern Middle East - 3.00 units - Spring Only - Global Cultures
PHIL 341W - Justice and Global Issues (W) - 3.00 units - Fall/Spring - Global Cultures
*Course may be used toward the GE Minor in Global Studies
RELS 332 - World Religions and Global Issues - 3.00 units - Fall/Spring - Global Cultures
*Course may be used toward the GE Minor in Global Studies
1 course selected from:
ABUS 390 - World Food and Hunger Issues - 3.00 units - Fall/Spring - Global Cultures
AFRI 376W - Africa: Continuity and Change (W) - 3.00 units - Fall Only - Global Cultures
*Course may be used toward the GE Minor in Global Studies
ANTH 376W - Africa: Continuity and Change (W) - 3.00 units - Fall Only - Global Cultures
*Course may be used toward the GE Minor in Global Studies
ANTH 377 - Anthropology of the Islamic World - 3.00 units - Spring Only - Global Cultures
ANTH 377W - Anthropology of the Islamic World (W) - 3.00 units - Spring Only - Global Cultures
*Course may be used toward the GE Minor in Global Studies
GEOG 303 - Geography and World Affairs - 3.00 units - Fall/Spring - Global Cultures
GEOG 357 - Lands and Peoples of Latin America - 3.00 units - Fall/Spring - Global Cultures
LAST 357 - Lands and Peoples of Latin America - 3.00 units - Fall/Spring - Global Cultures
PHHA 323 - International Health - 3.00 units - Fall/Spring
SOCI 354 - Global Perspectives on Ethnicity and Nationalism - 3.00 units - Spring Only - Global Cultures
SOCI 370 - Population and Migration - 3.00 units - Fall Only - Global Cultures
Learn how to empower yourself and others to thrive in all aspects of wellness to enjoy a healthy, productive, and fulfilling life. In Health and Wellness, students explore ways to enhance their physical and mental health.
Some of these courses may be used toward the Health and Wellness GE Minor.
1 course selected from:
BIOL 311 - Pandemics, Germs, and Society - 3.00 units - Fall/Spring
BIOL 318 - Biology of Childhood - 3.00 units - Fall/Spring
BIOL 345 - Health and Lifestyle Diseases - 3.00 units - Fall/Spring
*Course may be used toward the GE Minor in Health and Wellness
MCGS 326W - Gender and Sexuality Perspectives on Disease (W) - 3.00 units - Fall/Spring
NFSC 303 - Nutrition and Physical Fitness - 3.00 units - Fall/Spring
*Course may be used toward the GE Minor in Health and Wellness
NURS 326W - Gender and Sexuality Perspectives on Disease (W) - 3.00 units - Fall/Spring
PHHA 368 - Women's Health - 3.00 units - Fall/Spring
WMST 368 - Women's Health - 3.00 units - Fall/Spring
1 course selected from:
ENGL 342W - Literature of the Child (W) - 3.00 units - Fall/Spring
HIST 305 - Catastrophe, Memory, and Society - 3.00 units - Fall/Spring - Global Cultures
PHIL 327W - Health Ethics (W) - 3.00 units - Fall/Spring
*Course may be used toward the GE Minor in Health and Wellness
QTST 310W - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer Issues and Identities (W) - 3.00 units - Fall/Spring - United States Diversity
1 course selected from:
CHLD 321 - Risk and Resilience in Development - 3.00 units - Fall/Spring
CHLD 360 - Social-Emotional Intelligence: Development and Learning - 3.00 units - Fall/Spring
ECON 352 - Medical Economics - 3.00 units - Fall/Spring
PHHA 370 - Drugs in Our Society - 3.00 units - Fall/Spring
PSYC 321 - Brain, Mind, and Behavior - 3.00 units - Fall/Spring
SOCI 363 - Sociology of Human Stress - 3.00 units - Fall/Spring
*Course may be used toward the GE Minor in Health and Wellness
Innovation, Design, and the Arts is hands-on where technology and aesthetics converge. Coursework centers on historical, cultural, technological, and artistic ideas and skills essential to expanding your creative and innovative potential.
Some of these courses may be used toward the Innovation, Design, and the Arts GE Minor.
1 course selected from:
BIOL 322W - Science and Human Values (W) - 3.00 units - Fall/Spring
PHYS 307 - Physics of Music - 3.00 units - Fall/Spring
SCED 300W - Scientific Innovations Behind Modern Technology (W) - 3.00 units - Fall/Spring
TECH 380W - Inventing the Future (W) - 3.00 units - Fall/Spring
*Course may be used toward the GE Minor in Innovation, Design, and the Arts
1 course selected from:
ENGL 330W - Introduction to Technical Writing (W) - 3.00 units - Fall/Spring
FLNG 340W - World Literature in Translation (W) - 3.00 units - Fall/Spring - Global Cultures
*Course may be used toward the GE Minor in Innovation, Design, and the Arts
FLNG 380 - Language and Culture in Film - 3.00 units - Fall Only - Global Cultures
HIST 365 - The Scientific Revolution - 3.00 units - Fall/Spring
MCGS 315 - Performance of Identity - 3.00 units - Fall/Spring - United States Diversity
THEA 315 - Performance of Identity - 3.00 units - Fall/Spring - United States Diversity
1 course selected from:
CSCI 431W - Usability Engineering (W) - 3.00 units - Fall/Spring
*Course may be used toward the GE Minor in Innovation, Design, and the Arts
GEOG 305 - Mobile, Wired, and Tracked: Our Digital Planet - 3.00 units - Fall/Spring
MADT 307 - Technology and Communication - 3.00 units - Fall/Spring
*Course may be used toward the GE Minor in Innovation, Design, and the Arts
SOSC 300 - Great Books and Ideas in the Social Sciences - 3.00 units - Fall/Spring
WMST 339 - Cultural Images of Women - 3.00 units - Fall/Spring - United States Diversity
Race, Ethnicity, and Sovereignty allows you to identify the conditions that shape the lived experiences of Black, Latinx/e, Asian, Indigenous, Native American, and/or other communities of color with a particular emphasis on but not exclusive to the United States.
Some of these courses may be used toward the Race, Ethnicity, and Sovereignty GE Minor.
1 course selected from:
BIOL 302W - Evolution (W) - 3.00 units - Fall/Spring
BIOL 323 - Biology of Sex - 3.00 units - Fall/Spring
BIOL 330 - California Ethnobotany - 3.00 units - Fall/Spring
ERTH 320 - Water Equity and Power - 3.00 units - Fall/Spring
UNIV 330 - Undergraduate Research in College Equity and Success - 3.00 units - Fall/Spring
*Course may be used toward the GE Minor in Race, Ethnicity, and Sovereignty
1 course selected from:
ENGL 353 - Multicultural Literature: Issues and Themes - 3.00 units - Fall/Spring - United States Diversity
ENGL 364W - American Ethnic and Regional Literature in Focus (W) - 3.00 units - Fall/Spring - United States Diversity
*Course may be used toward the GE Minor in Race, Ethnicity, and Sovereignty
FLNG 355 - Bilingualism in North America - 3.00 units - Fall/Spring - United States Diversity
HIST 382 - Modern Mexico - 3.00 units - Fall Only - Global Cultures
HIST 382W - Modern Mexico (W) - 3.00 units - Fall Only - Global Cultures
LAST 382 - Modern Mexico - 3.00 units - Fall Only - Global Cultures
LAST 382W - Modern Mexico (W) - 3.00 units - Fall Only - Global Cultures
PHIL 337W - Philosophy of Race (W) - 3.00 units - Fall/Spring - United States Diversity
*Course may be used toward the GE Minor in Race, Ethnicity, and Sovereignty
1 course selected from:
GEOG 357 - Lands and Peoples of Latin America - 3.00 units - Fall/Spring - Global Cultures
LAST 357 - Lands and Peoples of Latin America - 3.00 units - Fall/Spring - Global Cultures
MCGS 350 - Issues in Racial and Ethnic Equity - 3.00 units - Fall/Spring - United States Diversity
PSYC 391 - Psychology of Prejudice, Hate, and Violence - 3.00 units - Fall/Spring - United States Diversity
*Course may be used toward the GE Minor in Race, Ethnicity, and Sovereignty
SOCI 370 - Population and Migration - 3.00 units - Fall Only - Global Cultures
Emerging technologies and unexpected discoveries shape your everyday life. From scientific revolutions and artistic evolutions to social media and gaming environments, examine the ideas we create and content we consume that define who we are, where we're going, and why we matter.
Some of these courses may be used toward the Science, Technology, and Society GE Minor.
1 course selected from:
BIOL 302W - Evolution (W) - 3.00 units - Fall/Spring
*Course may be used toward the GE Minor in Science, Technology, and Society
BIOL 303 - Human Genetics - 3.00 units - Fall/Spring
PHYS 307 - Physics of Music - 3.00 units - Fall/Spring
SCED 300W - Scientific Innovations Behind Modern Technology (W) - 3.00 units - Fall/Spring
TECH 380W - Inventing the Future (W) - 3.00 units - Fall/Spring
1 course selected from:
ENGL 350W - Science, Technology and the Literature of Cultural Change (W) - 3.00 units - Fall/Spring - United States Diversity
*Course may be used toward the GE Minor in Science, Technology, and Society
HIST 365 - The Scientific Revolution - 3.00 units - Fall/Spring
PHIL 370 - Philosophy of Science - 3.00 units - Fall/Spring PHIL 370W - Philosophy of Science (W) - 3.00 units - Fall/Spring
RELS 357 - End of the World - 3.00 units - Fall/Spring
RELS 357W - End of the World (W) - 3.00 units - Fall/Spring
1 course selected from:
GEOG 303 - Geography and World Affairs - 3.00 units - Fall/Spring - Global Cultures
GEOG 305 - Mobile, Wired, and Tracked: Our Digital Planet - 3.00 units - Fall/Spring
MADT 307 - Technology and Communication - 3.00 units - Fall/Spring
PSYC 321 - Brain, Mind, and Behavior - 3.00 units - Fall/Spring
PSYC 345 - Psychology of Women - 3.00 units - Fall/Spring
RELS 341 - Science, Technology, and Religion - 3.00 units - Fall/Spring
*Course may be used toward the GE Minor in Science, Technology, and Society
SOCI 341 - Science, Technology, and Religion - 3.00 units - Fall/Spring
*Course may be used toward the GE Minor in Science, Technology, and Society
Climate change and environmental inequality will affect every part of our lives and those of families, and communities. Sustainability and Climate Change brings together ethics, history, and the natural and social sciences to collectively imagine and design the solutions our society needs.
Some of these courses may be used toward the Sustainability and Climate Change GE Minor.
1 course selected from:
BIOL 322W - Science and Human Values (W) - 3.00 units - Fall/Spring
BIOL 334 - Conservation Ecology - 3.00 units - Fall/Spring
CIMT 363W - Sustainability and the Built Environment (W) - 3.00 units - Fall/Spring
ERTH 330W - Environmental Science (W) - 3.00 units - Fall/Spring
*Course may be used toward the GE Minor in Sustainability and Climate Change
ERTH 340 - Sustainability of Marine Environments: The Fate between People and the Sea - 3.00 units - Fall/Spring
ERTH 355 - Natural Disasters - 3.00 units - Fall/Spring
1 course selected from:
ENGL 354 - Classical Literature - 3.00 units - Spring Only
HIST 341W - American Environment (W) - 3.00 units - Fall/Spring - United States Diversity
*Course may be used toward the GE Minor in Sustainability and Climate Change
PHIL 336 - American Indian Environmental Philosophies - 3.00 units - Fall/Spring - United States Diversity
PHIL 370 - Philosophy of Science - 3.00 units - Fall/Spring
PHIL 370W - Philosophy of Science (W) - 3.00 units - Fall/Spring
RELS 357 - End of the World - 3.00 units - Fall/Spring
RELS 357W - End of the World (W) - 3.00 units - Fall/Spring
1 course selected from:
ANTH 333 - Nature, Culture, Environment - 3.00 units - Fall/Spring - Global Cultures
ECON 365 - Environmental Economics - 3.00 units - Fall/Spring
GEOG 304 - Sustainability and Climate Change Issues - 3.00 units - Fall/Spring
*Course may be used toward the GE Minor in Sustainability and Climate Change
SOCI 420 - Environmental Sociology - 3.00 units - Fall/Spring - United States Diversity
*Course may be used toward the GE Minor in Sustainability and Climate Change
Students can earn a GE Minor by taking six courses from different GE Areas that explore a common theme. The GE Minors are designed to ensure that students who complete all courses in the minor will meet the university’s U.S.Diversity (USD) and Global Cultures (GC) requirements, as well as at least one upper-division Writing (W) course.
Explore the importance of food through agricultural, environmental, economic, and cultural lenses. Who are you in relation to food production, distribution, and consumption practices? How are diverse populations represented in discussions of food systems? By critically thinking about the role of foodways in our everyday lives, you will engage in scientific inquiry, explore equitable practices in communities, develop skills related to your field, and produce effective writing and multimedia projects.
Required Coursework
In many ways, California is the future; what happens first in California eventually radiates across the country and around the world. How did California become this outlier? Come take part in an honest exploration of the diverse ethnic, religious, linguistic, and environmental composition of California in order to better understand and navigate the forces that have shaped and will continue to influence trends in current and future culture, environment, and industry in the Golden State.
Who holds power and how does that power shape the rules that govern our lives? In the Equity, Ethics and Policy minor, you will explore power structures and the ways people can reclaim the power to shape decisions locally, regionally, and nationally. You will examine the ethical complexities involved in balancing the needs and desires of humans in community and develop strategies to reimagine a more equitable world.
This minor encourages curiosity and expands understanding about how we and our fellow beings exist in the context of gender and sexuality. You will be empowered to engage in self-exploration with real-life gender and sexuality issues, in order to develop greater open-mindedness, awareness, empathy and investment in our diverse world. Through a lens of inclusivity and equity, you will think critically about the societal, cultural, political, biological and evolutionary systems that shape gender and sexuality.
The Global Studies GE Minor expands your worldview through increased awareness of the art, science, politics, foodways, religions, and economic systems of the world. You will learn to communicate across cultures and appreciate the challenges posed by unequal regional development. This minor is broadly applicable to students across majors and fosters global citizenship through knowledge of the world’s cultures and languages. Students are encouraged to study abroad and may apply up to nine study abroad units toward the minor.
Learn how to empower yourself and others to thrive in all aspects of wellness to enjoy a healthy, productive, and fulfilling life. In the Health and Wellness Minor, you will explore ways to enhance your physical and mental health. This minor complements any major, as it focuses on the promotion of inclusive and equitable well-being for everyone.
Innovation, Design, and the Arts is a hands-on minor where technology and aesthetics converge. Your coursework centers on historical, cultural, technological and artistic ideas and skills essential to expanding your creative and innovative potential. This transformational thinking complements any major and translates to any career path.
Completing the Minor in Race, Ethnicity, and Sovereignty will allow you to identify the conditions that shape the lived experiences of Black, Latinx/e, Asian, Indigenous, Native American, and/or other communities of color with a particular emphasis on but not exclusive to the United States. You will take classes across subjects to support your ability to analyze inequities in society and work toward possible solutions in your homes, communities, and careers.
Emerging technologies and unexpected discoveries shape your everyday life. From scientific revolutions and artistic evolutions to social media and gaming environments, you will examine the ideas we create and content we consume that define who we are, where we're going, and why we matter. Entrepreneurs, engineers, scientists, and artists live here.
Climate change and environmental inequality will affect every part of your life and those of your families, and communities. This minor brings together ethics, history, and the natural and social sciences to collectively imagine and design the solutions our society needs. No matter what major you pursue, this minor combines analytical skills with cultural understanding to prepare you for a purposeful life and meaningful livelihood addressing pressing issues of our common environment.
Following is a list of all majors in which GE requirements have been modified. These modifications include special approval for various required non-GE courses to count in the GE areas indicated.