Academic Advising Programs

2019 - 2020 Major Academic Plans

Each major at Chico State has a Major Academic Plan (MAP) to guide you toward completing all the requirements for your degree.

  • Use the 4-year MAP as a tool to help you graduate in four years!
  • Refer to your MAP to plan the sequence in which you take your courses.
  • Your MAP illustrates an efficient path toward completing your degree, but it is not set in stone. Most GE courses, and many major courses, are interchangeable throughout the various semesters.
  • Use your MAP to identify opportunities to take elective courses in addition to your major – perhaps incorporating a minor, certificate, study abroad, or internship.

Discuss your MAP and your options with an Advisor in Academic Advising Programs (SSC 220) and with your Major Advisor.

Manipulate and create your own semester by semester plan
using your Degree Planner in your Portal.

**Please Note: MAPS below are screen-shots taken from the Degree Planner. As a result, links that would normally be interactive are not. To read notes listed for a course please refer to your Degree Planner located in your student center.

College of Natural Sciences