Fact Book
These interactive data dashboards provide the most up-to-date numbers available to campus. Dashboards present data visually. Tabs across the top take you to different items of interest.
Data Dashboards
13,018 students enrolled during Spring 2023
2,632 Spring 2023 applications received
Graduation, Retention, and Persistence Rates35.7% – 4-year first-time, full-time freshman, 2018 cohort
65.8% – 2-year first-time, full-time freshman, 2020 cohort
Degrees Awarded
3,930 Bachelor's and 294 Master's degrees were awarded for 2021–22
Employee Diversity
Of the 1,966 employees in 2022, 55.2% were female
Special Topics
Major Changing Across Colleges
Graduation rates by college of major; time to degree by college
General Education DFW Rates
User account required (active student and employee access only)
General Education Course GPA and GPA Gaps
User account required (active student and employee access only)
Diversity of Students and Employees
Race/ethnicity; diversity breakdowns; student gender identity
Academic Program Review
Note: Chico State's Academic Program Review (APR) refers to Criteria for Review (CFRs). Chico's APR CFRs are not directly related to WASC/WSCUC CFRs.