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Acceptable Use Policy

It is every student's responsibility to use University computing and communications resources in a manner that does not infringe on the rights of others. This includes the use of the campus computer labs, campus e-mail and web resources, campus modems, and campus Internet access.

  1. Threats, Harassment. Users may not use campus computing or network services to threaten, harass*, defame, or otherwise interfere with the legal rights of others. (*Harassment is defined as the creation of an intimidating, hostile or offensive working or educational environment.) While using computers on campus, users should take care not to display images, sounds or messages which could create an atmosphere of discomfort or harassment to others.

  2. Illegal file-sharing and other copyright violations are a Violation of Title 5 of the California Code of Regulations. Illegally sharing or obtaining copyrighted material is also a violation of the Acceptable Use Policy and of the university's Student Conduct Code. If you are a resident of the ResNet-connected residence halls, or you use the campus wireless system, violations could result in school sanctions such as probation, suspension, or expulsion (see our DMCA Resource page for more information). If you use another Internet provider (like AT&T or Comcast) at your home, you are encouraged to contact them to understand any usage policies they may have.

  3. Other Illegal/Incompatible Uses. Users may not use computing and network services for uses that are inconsistent, incompatible, or in conflict with state or federal law, CSU policy, or University policy.

  4. Respect for Privacy. Users must respect the privacy of other users. Examples of lack of respect for the privacy of others include reading their mail, accessing their files, or using their computer account or electronic mail address (except as may be required in the case of University employees for the purpose of facilitating official University business).

  5. Sharing of Account. Users may not share their password with others or let others use their account (except as may be required in the case of University employees for the purpose of facilitating official University business).

  6. Academic Honesty. Users must respect the intellectual property of others and adhere to University standards of academic honesty. Examples of academic dishonesty include accessing or using the files of others without their permission, altering or destroying their files or messages, violating standard citation requirements for information accessible electronically, or using copyrighted software in violation of the copyright agreement.

  7. Use for Profit Users may not use campus resources in furtherance of profit-making activities (consulting for pay, sales or distribution of commercial products or services for profit, etc.)

  8. System Disruption. Users must not intentionally disrupt the campus computing system or obstruct the work of other users, such as by interfering with the accounts of others, introducing or spreading viruses or other destructive programs on computers or the network, sending chain letters or blanket e-mail messages, or knowingly consuming inordinately large amounts of system resources.

  9. Operational Procedures. Users must respect the University's operational procedures for computing and network services. Users are responsible for knowing and abiding by posted computer lab and network procedures. Generally, operational procedures prohibit printing multiple copies of documents on networked printers, and playing games in labs when others are waiting for systems. Finally, as instructional use is paramount, users must leave a lab when it is needed by a class that has reserved the room in advance.

The complete policy on student rights and responsibilities, as well as sanctions and disciplinary actions, are outlined in the Code of Student Rights and Responsibilities.

Additional Resources and Related Information

IT Support

Business Hours
7:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Monday – Friday
Closed on weekends and holidays

Location: Meriam Library 142
Phone: 530-898-4357