Location: Glenn Kendall Hall 105
Phone: 530-898-5201
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Office of the President

A Message from President Steve Perez
Welcome to California State University, Chico.
Chico State has a rich history dating back to 1887, making it one of the oldest post-secondary institutions in California. It also is among the most highly ranked public universities in the West and we are known for exceptional value and transformational impact on students, many of whom are first in their families to attend college. I hope you will explore and discover more about our University’s areas of distinction, including teaching, scholarship, research, and service.
Above the doors of Kendall Hall, Chico State’s administration building, is the inscription “Today Decides Tomorrow.” We take these words to heart as we focus with hope on the future while building on the best of our past. Our graduates are catalysts for positive change in the world. While earning their degree, Chico State students take purposeful action and ownership of today—they Do and Dare—in order to influence tomorrow.
Ways to Connect
Connect with President Perez in a variety of ways: town halls, brown bag lunch, office hours, and community-building events.
Presidential Initiatives
Learn about initiatives to develop a new strategic plan, community agreements, and employee engagement.
How To With President Perez
A video series where President Perez learns from talented students and faculty.
Office of the President
Location: Glenn Kendall Hall 105
Phone: 530-898-5201