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Three students walk together on campus.

Safety at Chico State

Learn about safety resources on campus to support your time at Chico State, including how to report concerning behaviors.

Building a Safe and Supportive Community

Whether knowing how to recognize the signs of a friend in distress and what to do to ensure they get the support they need or preparing yourself for a potential campus emergency, you play a vital role in safety at Chico State. Take the time to get to know the offices and services focused on building a safe and supportive community.

Wildcat Safety Checklist

  1. Download and explore the Safe Chico app (Apple | Google) to learn what to do in an emergency.
  2. Update your emergency contact information in Chico State Alerts.
  3. Review Active Shooter Training.
  4. Familiarize yourself with how to report a concerning action or behavior.
  5. Explore health and wellness resources for students and employees.
Student holding up a smartphone. The focus is on the phone, which is displaying a Chico State Alert text message that reads, "This is a test of the emergency notification system."

Chico State Alerts

The Chico State Alerts emergency notifications system will update you via email, phone, or text message to keep you safe during an urgent event.

Important Safety Resources