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Internship Program for Civil Engineering Majors

Earn academic credit while getting paid!

Civil Engineering majors can participate in the CSUC/American Public Works Association (APWA) Internship Program. Qualify for 3 units of credit through CIVL 389: Civil Engineering Internship, which can count toward your Technical Elective requirement.

How to Apply for Internship Credit

  1. Find an Internship
    • It's your responsibility to find and apply for an internship with sufficient engineering content.
    • Look for department announcements or check the Internship Center.
  2. Secure an Internship Advisor
    • Once you have an internship, contact a Civil Engineering faculty member with expertise in your field (e.g., structural engineering) to be your advisor.
  3. Sign Up for the Course
    • Two weeks before the end of the semester (prior to your internship), sign up at theCivil Engineering Department Office (LANG 207). You will be manually enrolled in CIVL 389.
  4. Attend the Internship Meeting
    • Meet with the Civil Engineering Internship Coordinator before your internship begins. If enough students have signed up, this will be scheduled as a seminar to explain internship requirements.

During the Internship: What to Submit

  • Internship Approval Form
    Submit and get approval for this form before starting your internship to receive credit.
  • Progress Report
    Due July 15 (for summer internships). Submit to your internship advisor.
  • Final Report & Portfolio
    Submit at the end of your internship, along with samples of your work. This is essential to earning credit.

End of Internship: Evaluations

  • Supervisor Evaluation
    Completed by your supervisor and submitted to the department.
  • Student Evaluation
    You must complete this evaluation and submit it along with your final report.

Important Contacts

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