Location: Langdon Engineering Center 207
Phone: 530-898-5342
Email: ce@csuchico.edu
Environmental Engineering
Environmental engineering tackles problems that threaten our health and well-being. It includes topics such as water quality, water supply, distribution, and drinking water treatment; wastewater collection, treatment, and disposal, Disease transmission; water quality parameters; physical, chemical, and biological processes in the treatment of water, wastewater, and biosolids.
Dr. Stewart Oakley is a leading expert in the field of environmental engineering. There is also a club on campus called SEEHD (Sustainable Environmental Engineering for Human Development) that focuses on tackling environmental engineering and health problems such as water and wastewater treatment in developing countries.
Dr. Jackson Webster's expertise includes water quality and contaminant transport. Dr. Pablo Cornejo-Warner's research focuses on the life cycle environmental impacts of centralized and decentralized wastewater and resource recovery management strategies and sustainability frameworks for water treatment systems.
Structural Engineering
Dr. Jared DeBock and Dr. Curt Haselton are experts in structural engineering focusing on seismic engineering.
Transportation Engineering
If anyone has ever driven on the highways of Los Angeles, they know the importance of transportation engineering. Transportation engineering includes; transportation systems and facility planning, design, construction, operations, maintenance, pavement design and traffic engineering. At CSU Chico Dr. DingXin Cheng is an expert in the field of transportation engineering. His research interests include transportation engineering and traffic engineering and he also is the director of the California Pavement Preservation Center on campus.
Water Resource Engineering
Water is Earth's most valuable commodity, and the responsibility of supplying, distributing, and draining this commodity rest upon engineers. Water resource engineering covers principles of open channel hydraulics, rainfall-runoff predictions, ground-water infiltration, water budget modeling, storm water routing, and urban storm water management. At CSU, Chico Dr. Steffen Mehl is an expert in the field of water resource engineering. His main research interests include hydraulics and hydrology.
Civil Engineering Department
Location: Langdon Engineering Center 207
Phone: 530-898-5342
Email: ce@csuchico.edu