Location: Trinity Hall 223
Phone: 530-898-5366
Email: History@csuchico.edu
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HIST 130 Challenge Exam
Course Credit by Examination
The Department of History offers course credit for History 130, the United States history survey, satisfying the graduation requirement by examination, as provided in the University Catalog. The examination is given twice each academic year, on the second Wednesday of each fall and spring term.
Students who wish to take the examination must sign up in advance at the History Department office (Trinity Hall, Room 223), and be enrolled in a section of the course when they take the examination.
This is a written, 4-hour exam consists of a series of brief (one paragraph) identifications and more extensive essay questions. Because this method of satisfying the graduation requirement does not permit the range of interpretive thought characteristic of classroom instruction, readers of the exam will be especially attentive to detailed factual knowledge and accuracy. A passing mark will require a knowledge of the basic facts of United States history equal to that expected of a high performing student regularly enrolled in the course.
Here is a list of study questions to use to prepare for the examination.
History Department
Location: Trinity Hall 223
Phone: 530-898-5366
Email: History@csuchico.edu