Location: Trinity Hall 223
Phone: 530-898-5366
Email: History@csuchico.edu
History Department
The Chico Historian
The Chico Historian has been published by Chico State history students since 1990. It offers undergraduate and graduate students an opportunity to publish their best class papers. Undergraduates and graduates alike are encouraged to submit their excellent work for publication in this student-run journal.
Use Kate L. Turabian's Manual for Writers of Term Papers, Theses, and Dissertations as your style guide.
Please direct your questions to Dr. Alisa Wade: awade@csuchico.edu
2005 - 2021
Previous volumes of The Chico Historian are available upon request. Send an email to awade@csuchico.edu with the 'Chico Historian Archives' as the subject line.
History Department
Location: Trinity Hall 223
Phone: 530-898-5366
Email: History@csuchico.edu