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Criminal Justice BA

Side view of a student at a podium in front of three judges in moot court.
  • Program Type

    Undergraduate Major

  • Delivery Type

    On Campus

Are you passionate about justice, community health, and how the rule of law is applied in society? Our nationally ranked criminal justice program explores big, important social issues you see and read about every day—and helps you turn your passion for a more equitable world into a career advocating for better legal procedures, services, and programs.

Balancing theories of crime and punishment with practical case work and experiential learning opportunities, you’ll find pathways to careers in legal services and agencies, law enforcement, justice-centered nonprofits, and graduate studies.

A student does their homework in the library.

Ask Big Questions

Our criminal justice program pairs well with political science, allowing you to create pathways to law, policymaking, and advocacy work. Small discussion-based classes, ranging from ethics and crime prevention to restorative justice, will challenge you to think critically and collaboratively.

An Impactful Career

Colleen Nichols stands outside of a court house.

Our graduates go on to work in settings like nonprofits that focus on justice and social issues, law enforcement agencies, juvenile rehabilitation programs, and in city, state, or federal government agencies.

Some careers you might consider include:

  • Correctional counselor
  • City adinistrator
  • Housing case manager
  • Legal services provider
  • Police officer
  • Probation officer
  • Deputy Sheriff
“Getting exposure to all the different career options in the field allowed us to become more knowledgeable about them. The faculty and staff are truly amazing!
Angelica Martinez-Gonzales (Criminal Justice, ’19; MA, Public Administration, ’21)

Find Your Network

Get involved in one of our thriving clubs, find volunteer opportunities, internships, and research projects to build up your support network.

  • A group gathered around a table having a discussion

    Criminal Justice Club

    Created by and for students in the major, the Criminal Justice Student Association offers workshops, recruiting events, and mixers where you’ll connect with peers and professionals in the field of criminal justice.

  • A group gathered around a table listening intently to a person speak

    Research and Presentation Opportunities

    Work with faculty as research assistants on projects and journal articles—and present findings at the department’s biannual Research Symposium.

Meet Our Dedicated Faculty

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