Chico Adelante Program

Adelante Researchers Program

Program Objective: To provide Latinx and low-income graduate and undergraduate students a faculty-mentored, funded research experience for summer 2024. This program provides an introduction to emerging issues and real-world training in the research skills students need to advance in their fields. Following the summer research program, students will have access to other aspects of the Adelante program including professional development and writing skills workshops, as well as fellowship, scholarship, and graduate application support.

Funding: Up to 20 student researchers will work with faculty mentors over the summer on a significant research project and be provided $4,800 as Student Researcher wages during the summer. Research mentors will each receive $1,500 as well. Faculty who mentor more than one Adelante student on separate projects will receive $1,500 per student. Faculty who mentor more than one Adelante student on the same project will receive $1,500 plus $500 for each additional student.

Timing: Program dates are early June to late July, 2024

Student Eligibility: The program is open with to those who
  • are Latinx or low-income
  • are CSU, Chico sophomores, juniors, seniors*, or graduate students in good academic standing (minimum 2.5 undergrad/3.0 graduate GPA);
  • are U.S. Citizens, permanent residents, or eligible to work in the U.S.
  • are interested in pursuing a graduate degree (MA/MS, PhD, EdD, JD, MD).
  • Previous participants may apply though some preference is given to applicants who have not previously participated in the Adelante Summer Research program.

*Seniors who are graduating Spring 2024 are eligible to apply if they have applied or been accepted to a graduate program at Chico State for Fall 2024.

How Applications Will be Assessed: 

Student Portion of the Application: To develop a strong application, students should provide clear, well-edited, and complete responses to all essay questions. They should indicate their interest in the research topic and how this research experience may impact their future academic and career goals. They should provide a background statement that indicates high levels of motivation, persistence, and resilience. They should relay what skills, talents, achievements, and characteristics reflect their potential for success.

Some preference will be given to first-time participants; those who have experienced economic, educational, or other disadvantages; and those intending to pursue a master’s or doctoral degree.

Faculty Portion of the Application: The professors’ application weighs heavily in the selection process. Professors should provide a description of the research project and the student that is clear and well-developed; a strong mentoring plan and assessment of the student; and description of the goals, potential outcomes, and benefits to the student.

Student Researcher Requirements

Summer 2024:

  • Participate in all regular meetings, events, assignments, and other academic activities during the summer program. In addition to activities directed by the faculty mentor, Adelante researchers will participate in an orientation session, workshops, and a final session reporting on results of the research project.

Academic Year 2024-25:

  • Present your research at a campus presentation or academic conference in the 2024-2025 academic year (for instance, departmental and college research events, Student Research Competition, HSI Week Adelante Presents,” etc.)
  • All participants are expected to submit an abstract of your paper to Adelante Journal of Student Research and Creative Work. The Journal will include all abstracts and will select two or three full papers for publication through a peer review process.

Faculty Research Mentor Requirements

  • Provide students close guidance in the planning and execution of a significant research project, including regular contact, assignments and deliverables, and meaningful feedback.
  • Participate in the program’s orientation and final sessions.
  • Assist the student in identifying an opportunity to present their work publicly during AY 2024-25.
  • Submit a summary assessment using a template provided by Adelante, due the following year, by late April.

Application Process


  1. Identify a CSU, Chico faculty member to serve as your research mentor. Be sure the faculty member completes the required faculty application.
  2. Complete the Student Application  (applications close April 17, 2024)


  1. Complete the Faculty Application  (applications close April 17, 2024)
  2. Faculty may nominate more than one student, either working on separate projects or working together. Selections are NOT based on teams; rather, students are considered individually. Therefore, please be aware it is possible that some team members may be selected and others not.
  3. Faculty MUST complete a separate application for each student (even if they will work on the same project).