Wayfinders Mentees
The Adelante Wayfinders Mentoring Program supports sophomores, juniors, and seniors who are interested in creating clear paths to graduation through peer-guided career and graduate school exploration, research opportunities and community building.
The Adelante Wayfinders Mentoring Program will have both zoom and in-person opportunities to gather and connect throughout the academic year. New mentees are admitted for the entire 2023-2024 academic year.
Fall 2023:
Spring 2024:
We look forward to supporting you to envision yourselves as potential graduate students and to Dream Big!
*Sophomores, juniors, or seniors in good academic standing (2.0 GPA minimum)
*Latine AND/OR low income
Join a group of approximately 10 peers supported by an Adelante PeerPlus Graduate mentor. Your Adelante peer group will meet weekly during UNIV 250 (Day/Time TBD) for Fall 23 and independently Spring 24. You will also gather with your Graduate Peer-Plus Mentor and peer group twice a month (outside of the course) to build community at an event or social gathering!
Explore Graduate School and career pathways by attending the Graduate Workshop Series hosted by The Adelante Outreach Program in partnership with the Office of Graduate Studies. You will have the opportunity to attend these workshops both in person & on Zoom during the academic year.
Connect with campus resources that support your academic and personal success, including increasing your sense of belonging and challenging the imposter syndrome.
Participate and attend community engagement events, presentations, and workshops in topics such as: diversity and equity, Latine, first-gen, and low-income student support, mental health and wellness, financial wellness, basic needs and study skills geared toward becoming a graduate student. The majority of these events and workshops will be hosted through partner programs and departments and will be both in person and over Zoom (hybrid).
Gainaccess to our Canvas Community: Adelante Wayfinders Mentoring Program, containing a calendar of presentations, workshops, and events, as well as the UNIV 250 syllabus to keep you organized!
Receive support for the Chico State Wildcat Scholarship application and the Summer Researcher application to increase your financial support while you become a paid Adelante Researcher and work with a faculty research mentor developing a significant research project aligned with your post-college plans and interests.
For questions about the Wayfinders Mentoring Program, please contact Joanna Herrera, Student Success Coordinator at jherrera23@csuchico.edu.