We’re here to help! Call us Monday–Friday, 8 a.m.–5 p.m., to talk directly to an admissions expert. Or use live chat during our open hours. No automated voice messages—we promise!
Phone: 530-898-6322
Email: info@csuchico.edu
We’re here to help! Call us Monday–Friday, 8 a.m.–5 p.m., to talk directly to an admissions expert. Or use live chat during our open hours. No automated voice messages—we promise!
Phone: 530-898-6322
Email: info@csuchico.edu
You can learn a lot about Chico from our website. But here’s what you can’t do online: Talk to our friendly faculty and students. Listen to water rush through Big Chico Creek, and connect with a college to see its labs and classes firsthand. But you can do all of that when you schedule a visit!
Local 11th or 12th grade students with GPAs of 3.0 or higher interested in taking up to two college-level courses at California State University, Chico may participate in the High School Scholars (HSS) program.
HSS students may register for any 100- or 200-level course in which there are open seats, and for which they are eligible either by placement or prerequisite completion*.
HSS students may enroll in Journalism 130, but may not enroll in English 130.
The CSU uses multiple measures to determine General Education B4 (Math) readiness. Prior to enrolling in any Chico State math course, HSS students must provide evidence of readiness. Assessments take time and any student wishing to enroll in a math course should plan to submit their HSS application early and to complete the assessments well in advance of the first day of classes.
We’re here to help! Call us Monday–Friday, 8 a.m.–5 p.m., to talk directly to an admissions expert. Or use live chat during our open hours. No automated voice messages—we promise!
Phone: 530-898-6322
Email: info@csuchico.edu