Gift Processing FAQ
This FAQ list has been comprised to answer some basic charitable gift processing questions.
While our department is here to help answer your questions, please take a moment to see if your question can be answered below.
For frequently used Gift Processing forms and documents, please see Advancement Services Documents page.
What’s the easiest way a donor can make a donation?
The best way is to direct them to our online giving form(opens in new window).
They can also mail their check or money order to our centralized donation address made payable to University Foundation. (The project name may be written on the check’s memo line)
Address for gifts:
Gift Processing – 0999
California State University, Chico
400 W. 1st St
Chico, CA 95929
If they’re hesitant to make their gift online but still want to use a credit card, have them call Gift Processing at 530-898-4488, or have them fill out and mail the following Make a Gift Form.
I have a complex donation question, who can I call?
Please see our Advancement Services Staff Directory.
Where do I submit cash, check, or credit card donations for gift processing?
Cash and check donations are hand-delivered to our centralized donation department Student Financial Services, SSC 230, with a Donation Deposit Form. These forms can be found at the SSC 230 window or requested by calling Gift Processing at 530-898-4488.
Please submit all credit card donation paperwork to Gift Processing, Sapp Hall, Room 203.
If cash or check donation includes a non-gift portion you must fill out a Split Gift Deposit Worksheet (XLS) and deliver to SSC 230.What if the donation includes a non-gift portion?
For credit card splits made online, email the Split Gift Deposit Worksheet indicating which gift the split is attached to.
For credit card splits made on UF terminal, include Split Gift Deposit Worksheet (XLS) and transaction tapes and hand deliver to Sapp Hall Room 203.
PLEASE NOTE: A separate worksheet must be filled out for each transaction date and type of payment, i.e. cash, check, and/or credit card transactions. Appropriate donor information must be noted for cash and credit card donations on form absent of any other identifying information.
I have a company who is interested in donating equipment to our program. How do I handle it?
University Foundation records In-Kind Gifts for non-monetary assets (e.g., computer equipment, artwork, books, etc.) donated for related educational or program purposes.
In-Kind Gift forms and instructions.
What is a matching gift and how does the program work?
When an employee of a matching gift company makes a donation, the company will make a gift of the same amount, and in some cases double or triple the amount, to the same organization-usually to the same program.
After the donation is made a match request form is filled out, and submitted to their company.
The form is then routed to the Gift Processing office, the gift is confirmed and returned to the company, or third party agent, for payout.
Match guidelines and payout schedules vary by company. Visit our Matching Gifts webpage.
What information should I include on mail solicitations and remit slips?
As your letter should be reviewed by campus editing, your remittance tear-off should also be reviewed by Advancement Services to ensure that mailings include all the necessary information to easily process your gifts.
- If contributions are going into a University Foundation project, ask donors to make checks payable to "The University Foundation."
- Include a postage paid return envelope with our centralized donation processing address, available to order through NowPrint.
<College, department, or program name> – 0999
400 W. First St Chico, CA 95929-0999 - Allow space on the solicitation for donors to write or indicate a change of preferred home, business address, business title, email address, and phone number.
- Allow space on the solicitation for donors to list their name as they wish it to appear in a publication; suggested wording: "In any published list of donors, how would you like your name(s) to appear?"
- Matching gifts can double or triple a donor's gift. Suggested wording: "__My/my spouse's employer may match my gift. The company's matching gift form ___is enclosed,___ will be mailed, or ___ company has been notified."
- The IRS has strict regulations regarding the deductibility of donor benefits. If your donor receives theater tickets, a dinner, etc., in return for a contribution, the solicitation must state the fair market value of the item and that its value is not tax-deductible. The amounts reported must be a "good faith estimate" of the fair market value of the benefit and not simply the cost to the University.
- Give donors the option to decline benefits so that the tax deductibility of a gift can be maximized.
- Offer donors the option of giving by credit card. Include a check-off box for Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover; a line for credit card number and expiration date; and a line for donor's signature. You can also include the option for donor’s to set up a recurring credit card plan. Make sure to include questions as to monthly amount and duration. Common duration selections are one, two, three, or five years.
- Suggest that your donors give gifts of securities.
- Suggested text: "____ Yes, I would like to receive information of giving a gift of securities."
- If you are soliciting for restricted support, such as building or endowment purposes, always include an optional use of proceeds provision.
Have a question you think should be included?
Please email with your suggestions.