Kasey DeAtley
- Email: kdeatley@csuchico.edu
- Phone: 530-898-5112
- Location: Plumas 206
Personal Information
Kasey DeAtley is a sixth-generation Northern Californian, having descended from a relative of John and Annie Bidwell who homesteaded in the intermountain area in the 1880s. She knew as early as the first or second grade that she wanted to be in agriculture and that she wanted to be a teacher. DeAtley transferred to CSU, Chico from Lassen College and graduated in 2005 with a degree in animal science. After graduating, she stayed on to work with Professor Dave Daley as a research associate for a year and a half, during which time she was mentored by many faculty in the College of Agriculture who helped her discover her desire to become a college professor. She completed her master’s degree in 2009 at New Mexico State University followed by a PhD in 2012 in animal science with an emphasis in reproductive physiology and beef cattle genetics.
DeAtley co-advises the Young Cattlemen’s Association. She and her sister, Kallie Graham (Animal Science, ’07), are working alongside their family to build their cattle enterprise, Two Doc’s Land and Cattle.
Courses Taught
- AGRI 490 – Agricultural Experimental Research
- ANSC 110 – Directed Work Experience
- ANSC 471 – Advanced Beef Cattle Management & Production
- PSSC 330 – Rangeland Resources/Management
Research and Professional Interests
Beef cattle production, rangeland science and management, reproductive physiology, ruminant nutrition, supplementation of byproducts, genetics, and genomics
Service to the College, University, and Community
College: Co-advisor Chico State Beef Unit
University: Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee
Community: California Cattlemen’s Association (CCA), California Beef Cattle Improvement Association, National Cattlemen’s Beef Association, Butte County Cattlemen’s Association, Fall-River- Big Valley Cattlemen’s Association, American National CattleWomen Association, California CattleWomen’s Association, Butte County CattleWomen’s Association, American Farm Bureau Federation, California Farm Bureau Federation
Professional Affiliations
American Society of Animal Science (ASAS), Western Section ASAS, Society for Range Management (SRM), SRM Young Professional’s Conclave, SRM Targeted Grazing Committee
Canovas, A., A. Reverter, K. L. DeAtley, R. L. Ashley, M. L. Colgrave, M. R. S. Fortes, A. Islas-Trejo, S. A. Lehnert, L. Porto-Neto, G. Rincon, G. A. Silver, W. M. Snelling, J. F. Medrano, and M. G. Thomas. 2014. Multi-Tissue Omics Analyses Reveal Molecular Regulatory Networks for Puberty in Composite Beef Cattle. PloS One. 9(7):e102551.
Fortes, M.R.S, K. L. DeAtley, S. A. Lehnert, B. M. Burns, A. Reverter, R. J. Hawken, G. Boe-Hansen, S. Moore, and M. G. Thomas. Genomic regions associated with fertility traits in male and female cattle: Advances from microsatellites to high-density chips and beyond. Anim. Reprod. Sci. 141(1-2):1-19.
Luna-Nevárez, P., G. Rincón, J.F. Medrano, D.G. Riley, C.C. Chase, S.W. Coleman, K. L. DeAtley, A. Islas-Trejo, G.A. Silver, and M.G. Thomas. 2012. Identificación de un polimorfismo del gen PAPP-A2 asociado a la fertilidad en vaquillas de la Raza Romosinuano criadas bajo un ambiente subtropical. Rev. Mex. Cienca Pecur. 3(2):185-200.
Fortes, M. R., W.M. Snelling, A. Reverter, S. H. Nagaraji, S. A. Lehnert, R. J. Hawken, K. L. DeAtley, S. O. Peters, G. A. Silver, G. Rincon, J. F. Medrano, A. Isla-Trejo, M. G. Thomas. 2011. Gene network analyses of first service conception in Brangus heifers: use of genome and trait associations, hypothalamic-transcriptome information, and transcription factors. J. Anim. Sci. doi: 10.2527/jas.2011-4601.
DeAtley, K.L., G. Rincon, C. R. Farber, J. F. Medrano, P. Luna-Nevarez, R. M. Enns, D. L. VanLeeuwen, G. A. Silver, and M. G. Thomas. 2011. Genetic analyses involving microsatellite ETH10 genotypes on bovine chromosome 5 and performance trait measures in Angus and Brahman-influenced cattle. J. Anim. Sci. 89:2031–2041.
Luna-Nevarez, P., G. Rincon, J. F. Medrano, D. G. Riley, C. C. Chase, S. W. Coleman, D. M. VanLeeuwen, K. L. DeAtley, A. Islas-Trejo, G. A. Silver, and M. G. Thomas. 2011. Single nucleotide polymorphisms in the growth hormone-insulin like growth factor axis in straight-bred and crossbred Angus, Brahman, and Romosinuano heifers: population genetic analyses and association of genotypes with reproductive phenotypes. J. Anim. Sci. 89:926-934.
Malesky, S. M., F. Harrelson, M. Russell, K. L. DeAtley, B. Carter, C. A. Löest, and J. L. Turner. 2011. Nitrogen Retention and Nutrient Digestibility in Geldings Fed Three Concentrations of Lysine. J Eq. Vet. Sci. 31:256-257.
Luna-Nevarez, P., D. W. Bailey, C. C. Bailey, D. M. VanLeeuwen, R. M. Enns, G. A. Silver, K. L. DeAtley, and M. G. Thomas. 2010. Growth characteristics, reproductive performance, and evaluation of their associative relationships in Brangus cattle managed in a Chihuahuan Desert production system. J. Anim. Sci. 88:1891-1904.