Eric Houk
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- Phone: 530-898-4146
- Location: Plumas 217
Personal Information
Dr. Eric Houk earned his Ph.D. in Agricultural & Resource Economics from Colorado State University and his primary areas of expertise include Agricultural Production Economics and Natural Resource Economics. Dr. Houk received his M.S. in Agricultural Economics from the University of Idaho and his B.S. in Economics from Frostburg State University.
After graduating from Colorado State University, Dr. Houk worked as an Assistant/Associate Professor of Economics at California State University, Stanislaus. In 2009, Dr. Houk came to the College of Agriculture at CSU, Chico and is currently serving as the Program Lead for the Agricultural Business Program.
Dr. Houk is a dedicated teacher of agricultural economics and he has received several teaching awards. Some examples include, the Western Agricultural Economics Association (WAEA) Undergraduate Teaching Award, the North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture (NACTA) Teaching Award of Merit, the CSU, Chico Outstanding Professor Award, the Junior Faculty with Exceptional Promise Award, the Papageorge Faculty Development Award, the NACTA Graduate Student Teaching Award, and the Colorado State College of Agriculture Graduate Student Teaching Award.
Courses Taught
- ABUS 101: Introduction to Agricultural Business and Economics
- ABUS 300: Agricultural Business Competition
- ABUS 321: Agribusiness Management
- ABUS 341: Natural Resource Economics
- ABUS 421: Advanced Agribusiness Management
- ABUS 451: Agricultural Policy
Research and Professional Interests
Dr. Houk's research primarily focuses upon issues relating to efficient water resource allocation. Specifically, he has examined the economic impacts of water transfers from agriculture for endangered species preservation, the economic effects of irrigation induced waterlogging and soil salinization, and the impact of water conservation efforts on residential water demand. Along with publishing the results of this research in a variety of journal articles, Dr. Houk has made numerous presentations at regional, national, and international conferences.
Selected Publications
Anderson, K., E. Houk, S. Mehl, and D. Brown. “The Modeled Effects of Rice Field Idling on Groundwater Storage in California’s Sacramento Valley.” Journal of Water Resource and Protection, 9, 2017.
Schuck, E., M. Frasier, R. Ebel, E. Houk, G. Green. "Retirement and Salinity Effects on Irrigation Technology Choices." Western Economics Forum, Volume X, Number 1, Spring 2011.
Houk, E. "Estimating Residential Water Demand in the Absence of Volumetric Water Pricing." Global Business and Economics Review, Volume 12, Number 3, January 2010.
Houk, E., M. Frasier, G. Taylor. "Evaluating Water Transfers from Agriculture for Reducing Critical Habitat Water Shortages in the Platte Basin." Journal of Water Resource Planning and Management. Volume 133, Number 4. July 2007.
Houk, E. "Evaluating the Effectiveness of Materials that Promote Voluntary Water Conservation." Interdisciplinary Environmental Review. Volume 8, Number 2. December, 2006.
Houk, E., M. Frasier, E. Schuck. "The Agricultural Impacts of Irrigation Induced Waterlogging and Soil Salinity in the Arkansas Basin." Journal of Agricultural Water Management, Volume 85. September, 2006.
Houk, E., M. Frasier, E. Schuck. "Irrigation Technology Decisions in the Presence of Waterlogging and Soil Salinity." Global Business & Economics Review. Volume 7, Number 4, 2005.