College of Agriculture

Jamal Javanmardi

Professor & Organic Vegetable Project Director
Mushroom Unit Founder

Personal Information

Dr. Jamal Javanmardi earned his Ph.D. degree in horticulture through a joint program between Tehran University and Colorado State University in 2002. As a postdoctoral research fellow, he worked at CEAC (Controlled Environmental Agriculture Center) and Bio5 Research Institute for two years at the University of Arizona. His research was on value-added crops production in greenhouses. Then he served Shiraz University for 15 years. He established a 1 ½ acre high-tech greenhouse and two commercial scale mushroom facilities for the university during that period. He served the community by providing consultation in greenhouse crop production, organic vegetable production, and mushroom production.

He joined Chico State in 2019 as the new director of OVP (Organic Vegetable Project) and College of Agriculture, Plant and Soil Science faculty member. He established a "Mushroom Unit" at the University Farm in 2021 for demonstration, research, and production purposes.

Current Activities and Research

Dr. Javanmardi has published several textbooks, including Vegetable transplant production; Growing organic vegetables; Composting technology and its byproducts; as well as book chapters on Lovage, Persian melon production; and Postharvest physiological disorders of cucurbits.


  • PSSC 274: Greenhouse Management
  • PSSC 309B: Directed Work in Vegetable Crop Production
  • PSSC 365: Sustainable Vegetable Crop Production
  • PSSC 369: Seed Production
  • PSSC 392: World Food and Fiber Systems
Portrait of Jamal Javanmardi