CSU, Chico and Butte College Host Virtual FFA Field Day Training
On March 13, 2021, California State University, Chico and Butte College hosted nearly 1,000 high school students from 112 FFA Chapters around the state for its annual FFA Field Day. For the first time in 53 years, the event was held virtually and focused on training rather than competition.
Participants had the opportunity to gain new knowledge in one of 14 Career Development Event (CDE) trainings coordinated by undergraduate students and faculty in the CSU, Chico College of Agriculture and the Butte College Agricultural and Environmental Science Program. Each of the contests allows students to acquire skills and knowledge applicable to use in their prospective careers. Contests included agriculture marketing, floriculture, livestock judging, prepared public speaking, agricultural welding, veterinary science and more. A full list of contests is online.
As one of the faculty coordinators of the event, agricultural education professor Brad Dodson shared a unique perspective of the field day. Dodson said he had “two key intended takeaways for this event. The first is for FFA students to meet the dynamic and caring professors who teach in the College of Agriculture. The second is to feel a sense of community, even in a virtual setting.”
One of the student contest coordinators for the field day, Lauren Glomson, competed in CDE events throughout her time in high school and described the event as a great opportunity for students to gain their confidence.
“I had positive experiences at our field day while being an FFA competitor as well as helping run the contest as a part of the field day team for the past three years,” Glomson said. “My favorite memory from being a part of field day was having the opportunity to help run tabulations and really gain appreciation for all the hard work behind the scenes that goes into making a field day successful. It is always so great seeing chapter’s names get called at the awards ceremony and the students’ hard work being recognized.”
For more information regarding the 2021 CSU, Chico and Butte College FFA Field Day Training, please contact Field Day chairs Sydney Frazier and Jacob Lockie at fieldday@csuchico.edu.