Academic Program Review

Academic Program Review

Academic Program Review plays a key role in the improvement of undergraduate and graduate education at California State University, Chico. The review process provides a framework for quality management in our program offerings and related educational activities.

The review process at Chico State focuses programs toward becoming more systematic and intentional about gathering data about the right things -performance and effectiveness in the support of student success and student learning-and on using the resulting information for continuous program improvement.  The specific elements of our review process align under the vision, mission, and strategic priorities of the CSU and Chico State's Strategic Plan(opens in new window) and Academic Plan, and the “core commitments” of student learning and success; quality and improvement; and institutional integrity, sustainability, and accountability that are embodied in the WASC accreditation standards. Together, they are intended to encourage significant levels of on-going engagement by internal and external stakeholders in issues of program capacity and program effectiveness.

Overall, the Chico State review process embraces an organizational learning approach in which the program regularly and systematically assesses its own performance and uses the assessment information to foster collective learning and improve the program’s capacity for educational effectiveness.

Per EM 22-015, the Academic Program Review process is facilitated by the Undergraduate Program Review Committee.