Assessment & Program Review

Periodic Program Review

Academic Program Review plays a key role in the improvement of undergraduate and graduate education at California State University, Chico. The review process provides a framework for quality management in our program offerings and related educational activities.

The following figure summarizes what is typically involved in a periodic program review:

 periodic program review diagram

The steps identified in the figure above are:

  1. A program review requires the development of a Self-Study Report that provides information about the program, typically in a form that shows how a program satisfies a list of criteria.
  2. A program review may require an External Review component where a subject-matter expert is invited to (remotely or in-person) visit the program and to evaluate the accuracy and completeness of the Self-Study Report relative to the criteria for review. In an internal program review, the program selects the External Reviewer pending campus approval. In an external program review, the accrediting agency sets up the external review team.
  3. A program review requires a Reflective Essay. This Essay is a written response to the External Review portion of the program review process.
  4. A Findings and Recommendations report will contain commendations and recommendations pertaining to all materials that the program has assembled for review. In an internal program review, this report is prepared by a (sub)committee identified by the corresponding campus process. In an external program review, this report is the same as the External Review report.
  5. A program may write a Written Response to the Findings and Recommendations report, particularly if there are any disagreements or clarifications that need to be pointed out. There is usually a grace period that determines when such a response is due.
  6. The Final Memo contains the official, final decision about the program. In an internal review, this memo will come from the Provost. In an external review, this memo will come from the accrediting agency.

Overall, the Chico State review process embraces an organizational learning approach in which the program regularly and systematically assesses its own performance and uses the assessment information to foster collective learning and improve the program’s capacity for educational effectiveness.

Schedule of periodic program reviews of academic programs.

To view a list of all the academic programs we offer at Chico State, be sure to visit the Explore Our Programs(opens in new window) section of our University Catalog(opens in new window).