Academic Publications & Scheduling Services

Phase 2: Project Implementation

Ad Astra Optimization Implementation Project 


Given the current plan for refurbishing a number of buildings on campus (beginning with Butte), the institution needs a more efficient and sophisticated way of determining how to utilize its limited space. The institution already has and uses a system with the capability of helping the institution maximize space utilization.

Phase 1 (Modeling) is complete: Initial development of the classroom characteristics, course room requirements, and faculty needs and preferences for the successful room optimization beginning with the Fall 21 semester.

Scope (Phase 2-Scheduling):

  • Develop new Schedule Building process
    • In consultation with department and college schedulers
    • Set new timelines
  • Refine Order of Operations with spring 2021 schedule build
  • Implement new Schedule Building process
    • Run and verify 2021-22 room assignments (without Butte Hall or Physical Sciences)
    • Include new reports and periods of consultation and review 

Project Contact:  Jennifer Aceves, Class Scheduling Specialist

Key Stakeholders:

Associate Deans
Department Schedulers
College Schedulers

Key Milestones:

Milestones and corresponding target dates of completion.
MilestoneTarget Date

Project communication to key stakeholders

February 2020, May 2020, August 2020

Develop new schedule build process in consultation with department/college schedulers

March 2020

Implement scheduling suggestions where reasonable for spring 2021 schedule build

April 2020

Test Order of Operations with spring 2021

April 2020

Implement Academic Scheduling Provisions for fall 2021 schedule build

August 2020

Optimize room placements for fall 2021

Fall 2020

Verify fall 2021 room optimization

Fall 2020

Phase 2 Project completion

January 2021


Responsible groups and their roles.


Vendor liaise
Quality assurance
Room assignments
Preference set maintenance


Room assignment review
Model review
Schedule adjustment

Academic Facilities

Classroom characteristics

Phase 3-Maintenance
  • Ongoing maintenance of preferences in Optimizer.
  • Update curriculum process to collect course preferences in course proposal paperwork.