Accessibility Resource Center

On-Campus Transport (The Cart)

Accessibility Resource Center (ARC) provides on-campus shuttle service for persons who are physically unable to walk to campus locations. All ride requests are subject to availability of carts and drivers.

This service must be approved by an Accessibility Advisor (for students) or ADA Coordinator (for faculty and staff) and will depend on the symptoms and severity of the person’s disability. In most cases, documentation verifying a disability or injury will be required. 

***Transportation to and from off-campus locations is not available.

Request Process

  1. Online cart ride requests must be submitted via the ARC website (click on the red "Cart Request" button), including one-time, temporary, or ongoing semester requests.
  2. Requests should be submitted at least one to two days prior to the scheduled ride.
  3. A separate request must be submitted for each unique time and location. For example, if you need a ride to class and then another ride to pick you up from class, you will submit two separate ride requests (one for each pick-up time, pick-up location, and destination).
  4. If the ride is the same time, pick-up location, and destination on multiple days of the week (e.g., pick up at 8:30 a.m. Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from Butte Hall to BMU), you can submit one ride request. 
  5. During finals week, the online request system is disabled and all previously scheduled rides will be cancelled.
    • Finals week ride requests must be called in to the ARC office at 530-898-5959 at least 24-hours in advance.


  • ARC cannot guarantee that riders will be picked up or dropped off at their scheduled time during heavy ride request periods and congested foot traffic, especially between classes. 
  • Last-minute or same-day online or call-in requests will be subject to availability of carts and drivers and may not be provided.
  • Please be as specific as possible in the cart request regarding the exact pick-up location (e.g., which side of the building, which door, etc.) in the "Additional Information" field. 
    • Cart drivers will default to the main or front door of buildings for pick-up unless otherwise specified in the cart request. 
  • Riders must notify ARC as soon as possible of any ride cancellations, delays, or changes.
  • When possible, if no other rides are scheduled, cart drivers may wait up to five minutes after the scheduled pick-up time for riders to show up for their ride. During heavy ride periods when other rides are scheduled at the same time, drivers may not be able to wait.
  • After three rider no-shows, subsequent rides may be cancelled.
  • Friends or family may not accompany the rider.
  • ARC cart rides may not be used in lieu of an emergency responder to transport injured or sick.
  • On-campus rides (including Chico State parking lots) are available Monday through Friday 7:45 a.m. to 5 p.m. Individuals who need rides after 5 p.m. may utilize the Campus Connection Shuttle

Campus visitors who are physically unable to walk to campus locations must contact the persons organizing the event – at least five days in advance – to arrange for cart rides with ARC.