An interpreter uses sign language to ensure that effective communication takes place between two different parties. Interpreters facilitate the communication and integration of individuals who are Deaf and Hard of Hearing into the academic and student activity setting.
Please note: This accommodation must be approved by an Accessibility Advisor and will depend on the symptoms and severity of the student's hearing loss and essential needs. All arrangements for interpreting services must be made through Accessibility Resource Center (ARC).
Request Process
- Students must meet with their Accessibility Advisor to determine eligibility for service.
- Students should provide their Accessibility Advisor with a copy of their class schedule.
- Students will review the Services for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Agreement.
- It is important that students using this service notify ARC as soon as possible if they are unable to attend class. Students may use the California Relay Service to leave voice mail messages when ARC is closed or email
- If a student does not show up during the first 15 minutes of class, the interpreter will leave and contact ARC for messages. If there are no messages from the student, the incident will be reported as a "no-show" and services for any subsequent classes that day may be canceled. Students may notify ARC to reinstate services at any time during the day; however, ARC cannot guarantee services will be provided because the interpreters or service providers may have already been reassigned. If a student fails to show up for class on the following day, all services will be discontinued until the student’s Accessibility Advisor is notified.
- The interpreter's responsibility is to interpret what the instructor and classmates say, and to voice the student’s signing when appropriate. Students should not ask interpreters for tutoring or similar assistance in class.
- If students wish to speak to their instructor after class, students should first ask the interpreter if they can stay. If not, the student should make an appointment with the instructor and request an interpreter from ARC.
- If students have any difficulties with their interpreters, students should not discuss it with other interpreters, students, or instructors. Students should discuss the problem with the interpreter first, and if the situation is not resolved, then bring it to the attention of their Accessibility Advisor.
- Students should plan ahead. If students are planning to make an oral presentation in class, it is important that students practice with the interpreter who will be voicing for them. It is the student's responsibility to provide the interpreter with a copy of the script or speech.