Accessibility Resource Center

Lab Accessibility Standards

To meet federal, state, and university requirements for accessibility, computer labs at CSU, Chico should have the following provisions:

  • One wheelchair-accessible station for every 20 stations (5%). Wheelchair stations should meet the following specifications
    • Minimum knee clearance of 27" high, 30" wide, 19" deep.
    • Tabletop 28"-34" from the floor.
    • Stations should be on an aisle.
    • Wheelchair stations must have signs indicating that wheelchair users have priority at these stations.
  • Access to wheelchair stations requires a passage no narrower at any point than 32" (e.g., a doorway) and 36" continuously (e.g., the aisle). The space required for a wheelchair to make a 180-degree turn is a clear space 60 inches in diameter or equivalent T-shaped space2.
  • All computers should have the following campus standard software installed:
    • Screen magnification
    • Sticky-keys
    • Mouse-keys
(These utilities are available as install options within both Windows and Mac operating systems).
  • Trackballs, trackpads, and ergonomic keyboards should be installed promptly on a request basis. These items are available for semester-long checkout from Student

Requests for other accommodations should be discussed promptly with Accessibility Resource Center (ARC). Once ARC has verified the need for accommodation, a representative from the department will meet with ARC and IT Support Services to determine the best method of accommodation. Implementation of the accommodation is the responsibility of the department, with assistance from ITSS.

1 California Building Code, Title 24, section 1122B. Student Computing can provide ordering information for wheelchair height desks and adjustable height desks.
2 California Building Code, Title 24, section 1118B.