Big Chico Creek Ecological Reserve

Ferns and Allies of the BCEP

Photos of BCEP Plant Species(opens in new window)

An online folder with photos of the BCEP Plant Species.

Ferns and Allies of the BCEP
FamilyScientific NameCommon NameNativeCodeComments
EquisetaceaeEquisetum arvenseCommon HorsetailYESF/A 
Equisetum laevigatumSmooth Scouring-RushYES F/A 
PolypodiaceaePolypodium calirhizaIntermediate PolypodyYESFa single frond observed growing on moss covered tailings on a north facing ravine
PteridaceaePellaea mucronata var. mucronataCommon Bird's-Foot FernYESFsmall thinly scattered populations, grows with gold-backed ferns
Pentagramma triangularis subsp. triangularisGold-Backed FernYESFcommon fern on the dryer, rocky grounds