Herbaceous Plants of the BCEP
Photos of BCEP Plant Species(opens in new window)
An online folder with photos of the BCEP Plant Species.
Family | Scientific Name | Common Name | Native | Code | Comments |
Agavaceae | Chlorogalum pomeridianum var. pomeridianum | Wavy-Leaved Soap-Plant | YES | H | genus previously included in Liliaceae |
Alismataceae | Alisma triviale | Water-Plantain | YES | H | treated as Alisma plantago-aquatica L. in The Jepson Manual [Ed.1], misapplied |
Alliaceae | Allium neapolitanum | White Garlic | NO | H | a small cluster of an early flowering variety of this garden escape is adjacent to the main gate. genus previously included in Liliaceae |
Amaryllidaceae | Narcissus | Daffodil | NO | H | an ornamental escapee |
Apiaceae | Anthriscus caucalis | Bur-Chervil | NO | H | abundant throughout the preserve |
Daucus pusillus | Rattlesnake-Weed | Yes | H | ||
Lomatium utriculatum | Bladder Lomatium | YES | H | a few plants were observed on the northeast end of the preserve | |
Sanicula crassicaulis | Pacific Sanicle | YES | H | small population observed growing at the northeast end of the preserve | |
Torilis arvensis | Common Hedge-Parsley | NO | H | ||
Apocynaceae | Asclepias eriocarpa | Indian Milkweed | YES | H | restoration planting, genus previously included in Asclepiadaceae |
Vinca major | Periwinkle | NO | H | two varieties observed, one with variegated leaves. many patches | |
Araceae | Lemna minuta | Least Duckweed | YES | H | collected from a small perennial pond. genus previously included in Lemnaceae |
Asteraceae | Anthemis arvensis | Corn Chamomile | NO | H | unscented, receptacle chaffy throughout |
Artemisia douglasiana | Mugwort | YES | H | Other common names include: Douglas' Mugwort, California Mugwort | |
Bidens frondosa | Sticktight | YES | H | adjacent Butte Creek and marshy areas | |
Carduus pycnocephalus | Italian Plumeless-Thistle | NO | H | scattered along creek edge | |
Centaurea solstitialis | Yellow Star-Thistle | NO | H | NOXIOUS WEED, C List | |
Cichorium intybus | Chicory | NO | H | ||
Cirsium vulgare | Bull Thistle | NO | H | ||
Conyza canadensis | Canadian Horseweed | YES | H | ||
Erigeron pumilus var. intermedius | Hairy Daisy | YES | H | a low growing and densely flowering restoration planting. | |
Eriophyllum lanatum var. grandiflorum | Large-Flowered Woolly-Sunflower | YES | H | ||
Gnaphalium luteoalbum | Weedy Cudweed | NO | H | ||
Grindelia hirsutula var. davyi | Foothill Gumplant | YES | H | restoration planting? | |
Hedypnois cretica | Crete Weed | NO | H | observed on gravel bars and along trails. still flowering strongly in early November | |
Heterotheca grandiflora | Telegraph-Weed | YES | H | ||
Hypochaeris glabra | Smooth Cat's-Ear | NO | H | ||
Lactuca serriola | Prickly Lettuce | NO | H | ||
Lagophylla glandulosa | Glandular Hareleaf | YES | H | ||
Lasthenia californica | California Goldfields | YES | H | only a few flowers of this common spring annual were seen | |
Lessingia nemaclada | Slender-Stemmed Lessingia | YES | H | ||
Logfia gallica | Narrow-Leaved Filago | NO | H | treated as Filago gallica L. in The Jepson Manual [Ed. 1] | |
Madia gracilis | Slender Tarweed | YES | H | a single small population observed | |
Matricaria matricarioides | Common Pineapple-Weed | YES | H | there is some question as to whether this is a native or introduced species. treated as Chamomilla suaveolens (Pursh) Rydb. in the Jepson Manual [Ed.1] | |
Micropus californicus var. californicus | Slender Cottonweed, Q-Tips | YES | H | ||
Pseudognaphalium beneolens | Fragrant Cudweed | YES | H | treated as Gnaphalium canescens DC. subsp. beneolens(Davidson) Stebbins & D.J.Keil in The Jepson Manual [Ed.1] | |
Psilocarphus tenellus | Slender Wooly-Marbles | YES | H | common on disturbed roadway and inner parking area | |
Senecio vulgaris | Old-Man-In-The-Spring | NO | H | ||
Silybum marianum | Milk-Thistle | NO | H | ||
Solidago velutina subsp. californica | California Goldenrod | YES | H | restoration plantings. treated as Solidago californica Nutt. in The Jepson Manual {Ed.1] | |
Soliva sessilis | Lawn Burweed | NO | H | ||
Sonchus oleraceus | Common Sow-Thistle | NO | H | observed in a disturbed section of the riparian zone | |
Sonchus asper subsp. asper | Spiny-Leaved Sow-Thistle | NO | H | ||
Symphyotrichum chilense | California Aster | YES | H | treated as Aster chilensis Nees in The Jepson Manual [Ed. 1] | |
Tragopogon dubius | Yellow Salsify | NO | H | ||
Uropappus lindleyi | Silverpuffs | YES | H | ||
Xanthium strumarium | Cocklebur | YES | H | ||
Boraginaceae | Amsinckia menziesii var. intermedia | Common Fiddleneck | YES | H | |
Cryptantha flaccida | Weak-Stemmed Cryptantha | YES | H | ||
Heliotropium europaeum | European Heliotrope | NO | H | gravels bars | |
Myosotis latifolia | Common Forget-Me-Not | NO | H | a few plants growing on the upper flood plain of Butte Creek | |
Phacelia egena | Rock Phacelia | YES | H | two small plants observed. genus previously included in Hydrophyllaceae | |
Brassiaceae | Barbarea verna | Early Wintercress | NO | H | growing on soils adjacent to creek. a yellow flower, somewhat squarish stemmed mustard with 6-10 pairs of lateral leaflets on basal leaves |
Brassica nigra | Black Mustard | NO | H | a few plants observed growing along edge of parking lot. the lack of a developing seed in the fruit beak separates this plant from the locally abundant Hirschfeldia | |
Capsella bursa-pastoris | Shepherd's-Purse | NO | H | ||
Cardamine oligosperma | Western Bittercress | YES | H | common and scattered throughout the preserve | |
Draba verna subsp. verna | Spring Witlow-Grass | YES | H | ||
Hirschfeldia incana | Mediterranean Hoary-Mustard | NO | H | ||
Lepidium nitidum var. nitidum | Shining Pepper-Grass | YES | H | ||
Lepidium strictum | Upright Pepper-Grass | NO | H | ||
Lunaria annua | Moonwort, Money Plant | NO | H | ||
Nasturtium officinale | Watercress | YES | H | treated as Rorippa nasturtium-aquaticum (L.) Hayek in The Jepson Manual [Ed. 1] | |
Rorippa curvisiliqua | Western Yellowcress | YES | H | on gravel bars and a vernal swell on the north-west boundary of the preserve. sub-species not recognized in the Jepson Manual | |
Thysanocarpus curvipes | Clasping-Leaved Fringepod | YES | H | common and scattered throughout the preserve | |
Callitrichacaea | Callitriche marginata | Winged Water-Starwort | YES | H | collected from a pool within the riparian zone |
Callitriche heterophylla var. bolanderi | Variable-Leaved Water-Starwort | YES | H | collected from a shallow pool near the north-west property line. plants both in water and stranded on mud | |
Caryophyllaceae | Petrorhagia dubia | Grass-Pink | NO | H | |
Saponaria officinalis | Bouncing-Bet | NO | H | ||
Scleranthus annuus subsp. annuus | Knawel | NO | H | ||
Silene gallica | Windmill-Pink | NO | H | ||
Spergularia rubra | Ruby Sandspurry | NO | H | observed on disturbed roadbed | |
Stellaria media | Common Chickweed | NO | H | ||
Velezia rigida | Velezia | NO | H | common on disturbed soil around sheds and restoration site | |
Ceratophyllaceae | Ceratophyllum demersum | Hornwort | YES | H | immersed aquatic, collected from small pond in riparian zone |
Chenopodiaceae | Chenopodium album | Lamb's-Quarters | NO | H | growing in clearing in riparian zone |
Dysphania ambrosioides | Mexican-Tea | NO | H | treated as Chenopodium ambrosioides L. in The Jepson Manual [Ed.1] | |
Dysphania botrys | Jerusalem-Oak | NO | H | treated as Chenopodium botrysL. in The Jepson Manual [Ed.1] | |
Convolvulaceae | Calystegia occidentalis subsp. occidentalis | Western Morning-Glory | YES | H | |
Convolvulus arvensis | Bindweed | NO | H | ||
Crassulaceae | Crassula connata | Pigmyweed | YES | H | |
Crassula tillaea | Mossy Pigmyweed | NO | H | growing in shallow depressions near trails and old roadbed | |
Dudleya cymosa subsp. cymosa | Canyon Dudleya | YES | H | ||
Cyperaceae | Carex barbarae | Santa Barbara Sedge | YES | H | |
Carex deweyana subsp. leptopoda | Short-Scaled Sedge | YES | H | ||
Carex feta | Green-Sheathed Sedge | YES | H | ||
Carex nudata | Torrent Sedge | YES | H | scattered along edge of Butte Creek. some appear to be restoration plantings | |
Carex subfusca | Rusty Slender Sedge | YES | H | growing on gravel bar at edge of Butte Creek | |
Cyperus eragrostis | Tall Cyperus | YES | H | sand and gravel bars along Butte Creek | |
Cyperus erythrorhizos | Red-Rooted Cyperus | YES | H | growing on gravel bar at edge of Butte Creek | |
Cyperus flavescens | Yellow Cyperus | NO | H | growing on gravel bar at edge of Butte Creek | |
Cyperus strigosus | False Nutsedge | YES | H | sand and gravel bars along Butte Creek | |
Eleocharis macrostachya | Pale Spike-Rush | YES | H | observed in a drying vernal swell near the north-west preserve boundary | |
Lipocarpha micrantha | Small-Flowered Lipocarpha | YES | H | collected from sand/gravel bar along Butte Creek | |
Elatinaceae | Elatine ambigua | Rice-Field Waterwort | NO | H | plants growing on a vernal flat near the north-west preserve boundary. no flowers observed and identification uncertain |
Euphorbiaceae | Chamaesyce maculata | Spotted Spurge | NO | H | native to eastern United States |
Chamaesyce serpyllifolia subsp. serpyllifolia | Thyme-Leaved Spurge | YES | H | ||
Croton setigerus | Turkey Mullein | YES | H | treated as Eremocarpus setigerus in The Jepson Manual [Ed. 1] | |
Euphorbia peplus | Petty Spurge | NO | H | plants growing among restoration plantings near the storage area | |
Fabaceae | Acmispon brachycarpus | Foothill Lotus | YES | H | treated as Lotus humistratus in The Jepson Manual [Ed. 1] |
Acmispon parviflorus | Small-Flowered Lotus | YES | H | treated as Lotus micranthus in The Jepson Manual [Ed. 1] | |
Acmispon americanus var. americanus | Spanish Lotus | YES | H | treated as Lotus purshianus var. purshianus in The Jepson Manual [Ed. 1] | |
Lathyrus tingitanus | Tangier Pea | NO | H | abundant throughout the preserve | |
Lupinus albifrons var. albifrons | Silver Bush-Lupine | YES | S | existing and restoration planted shrubs | |
Lupinus bicolor | Bicolored Lupine | YES | H | ||
Lupinus microcarpus var. densiflorus | White-Whorled Lupine | YES | H | several plants observed in two locations on a rocky overflow channel near the creek | |
Lupinus nanus | Sky Lupine | YES | H | ||
Lupinus polycarpus | Small-Flowered Lupine | YES | H | included in L. bicolor in the Jepson Manual, but seems to be distinct in our area | |
Medicago lupulina | Black Medick | NO | H | ||
Medicago polymorpha | Common Bur-Clover | NO | H | ||
Medicago praecox | Mediterranean Bur-Clover | NO | H | ||
Melilotus albus | White Sweet-Clover | NO | H | ||
Melilotus indicus | Indian Sweet-Clover | NO | H | ||
Trifolium dubium | Little Hop Clover | NO | H | ||
Trifolium glomeratum | Sessile-Headed Clover | NO | H | common on disturbed soil | |
Trifolium hirtum | Rose Clover | NO | H | ||
Trifolium microcephalum | Small-Headed Clover | YES | H | a small population located on dry open ground | |
Trifolium subterraneum | Subterranean Clover | NO | H | scattered populations | |
Trifolium willdenovii | Tomcat Clover | YES | H | a few scattered plants observed | |
Vicia sativa subsp. nigra | Garden Vetch | NO | H | ||
Vicia sativa subsp. sativa | Garden Vetch | NO | H | ||
Vicia villosa subsp. varia | Winter Vetch | NO | H | ||
Gentianaceae | Cicendia quadrangularis | Timwort | YES | H | a small population observed on edge of old roadbed |
Zeltnera venusta | Canchalagua | YES | H | treated as Centaurium venustum(A.Gray) B.L.Rob in The Jepson Manual [Ed.1] | |
Geraniaceae | Erodium brachycarpum | Short-Fruited Stork's-Bill | NO | H | |
Erodium botrys | Long-Beaked Stork's-Bill | NO | H | ||
Erodium cicutarium | Red-Stemmed Filaree | NO | H | ||
Erodium moschatum | White-Stemmed Filaree | NO | H | abundant | |
Geranium dissectum | Cut-Leaved Geranium | NO | H | ||
Geranium molle | Dove's-Foot Geranium | NO | H | ||
Hydrocharitaceae | Elodea canadensis | Canadian Waterweed | YES | H | collected in a backwater eddy |
Hypericaceae | Hypericum perforatum | Klamathweed | NO | H | |
Juncaceae | Juncus acuminatus | Sharp-Fruited Rush | YES | H | several populations growing at water edge along Butte Creek |
Juncus articulatus | Jointed Rush | YES | H | 0 | |
Juncus bufonius var. bufonius | Common Toad Rush | YES | H | ||
Juncus capitatus | Leafy-Bracted Dwarf Rush | NO | H | ||
Juncus effusus var. exiguus | Short Rush | YES | H | ||
Lamiaceae | Lamium amplexicaule | Giraffehead | NO | H | |
Lycopus americanus | Cut-Leaved Bugleweed | YES | H | gravel bars | |
Marrubium vulgare | Horehound | NO | H | ||
Melissa officinalis | Lemon-Balm | NO | H | ||
Mentha arvensis | American Wild Mint | YES | H | ||
Mentha pulegium | Pennyroyal | NO | H | gravel bar along creek | |
Mentha spicata var. spicata | Spearmint | NO | H | ||
Prunella vulgaris var. lanceolata | Mountain Selfheal | YES | H | ||
Scutellaria sp. | Skullcap | YES | H | only a few post flowering/fruit plants observed | |
Stachys ajugoides var. rigida | Rigid Hedge-Nettle | YES | H | ||
Stachys pycnantha | Short-Spiked Hedge-Nettle | YES | H | ||
Trichostema lanceolatum | Vinegar-Weed | YES | H | ||
Loasaceae | Mentzelia laevicaulis | Giant Blazingstar | YES | H | common on the open ground north of creek riparian zone |
Lythraceae | Lythrum hyssopifolia | Hyssop Loosestrife | NO | H | spelling of epithet corrected from "hyssopifolium" in The Jepson Manual [Ed. 1] |
Molluginaceae | Mollugo verticillata | Indian-Chickweed | NO | H | |
Montiaceae | Claytonia parviflora subsp. parviflora | Small-Flowered Miner's-Lettuce | YES | H | common in the wooded areas around the base of Gray Pines, often with variegated leaves. genus previously included in Portulacaceae |
Claytonia perfoliata subsp. perfoliata | Common Miner's-Lettuce | YES | H | genus previously included in Portulacaceae | |
Myrsinaceae | Anagallis arvensis | Scarlet Pimpernel | NO | H | genus previously included in Primulaceae |
Onagraceae | Clarkia purpurea subsp. quadrivulnera | Purple Clarkia | YES | H | |
Epilobium brachycarpum | Tall Annual Willowherb | YES | H | ||
Epilobium canum subsp. latifolium | California-Fuschia | YES | H/S | restoration planting | |
Epilobium ciliatum subsp. ciliatum | Fringed Willowherb | YES | H | gravel bars | |
Epilobium densiflorum | Dense-Flowered Spike-Primrose | YES | H | gravel bars | |
Ludwigia peploides subsp. peploides | Yellow Waterweed | YES | H | growing in a slough and adjacent moist bank | |
Oxalidaceae | Oxalis corniculata | Creeping Wood-Sorrel | NO | H | adjacent greenhouse, has a clover like leaf |
Oxalis pes-caprae | Bermuda-Buttercup | NO | H | growing in moist disturbed area near storage area | |
Papaveraceae | Eschscholzia californica subsp. californica | California-Poppy | YES | H | |
Phrymaceae | Mimulus cardinalis | Scarlet Monkey-Flower | YES | H | large showy patches occasional along creek. genus previously included in Scrophulariaceae |
Mimulus glaucescens | Shield-Bracked Monkey-Flower | YES | H | growing on gravel bar. CNPS List 4. genus previously included inScrophulariaceae | |
Mimulus guttatus | Seep Monkey-Flower | YES | H | gravel bars. genus previously included in Scrophulariaceae | |
Mimulus moschatus | Musk Monkey-Flower | YES | H | moist soil along creek. genus previously included in Scrophulariaceae | |
Plantaginaceae | Kickxia elatine | Sharp-Leaved Fluellin | NO | H | genus previously included in Scrophulariaceae |
Penstemon heterophyllus var. purdyi | Purdy's Beardtongue | YES | H | genus previously included in Scrophulariaceae | |
Plantago elongata | Elongate Plantain | YES | H | ||
Plantago erecta | Erect Plantain | YES | H | ||
Plantago lanceolata | English Plantain | NO | H | ||
Plantago major | Common Plantain | NO | H | ||
Veronica americana | American Brook Lime | YES | H | genus previously included in Scrophulariaceae | |
Polemoniaceae | Collomia heterophylla | Variable-Leaved Collomia | YES | H | |
Polygonaceae | Eriogonum nudum var. pubiflorum | Hairy-Flowered Buckwheat | YES | H | |
Eriogonum luteolum var. luteolum | Wicker Buckwheat | YES | H | common on most open rocky or dry soil. some species in area would also key to E. vimineum. | |
Polygonum aviculare subsp. depressum | Common Knotweed | NO | H | treated as Polygonum arenastrum Boreau in The Jepson Manual [Ed.1], misapplied | |
Persicaria hydropiper | Water-Pepper | NO | H | treated in The Jepson Manual [ED.1] as Polygonum hydropiper L. | |
Persicaria lapathifolia | Willow-Weed | YES | H | treated in The Jepson Manual [Ed.1] as Polygonum lapathifolium L. | |
Persicaria maculosa | Lady's-Thumb | NO | H | treated in The Jepson Manual [ED.1] as Polygonum persicariaL. | |
Persicaria punctata | Dotted Smartweed | YES | H | treated in The Jepson Manual [Ed.1] as Polygonum punctatumElliott | |
Rumex crispus | Curly Dock | NO | H | ||
Rumex pulcher | Fiddle Dock | NO | H | ||
Rumex salicifolius | Willow Dock | YES | H | intraspecific taxa not recognized in The Jepson Manual [Ed.2] | |
Ranunculaceae | Ranunculus muricatus | Prickle-Seeded Buttercup | NO | H | growing in a moist, shallow depression near storage area |
Rosaceae | Aphanes occidentalis | Western Lady's-Mantle | YES | H | |
Drymocallis glandulosa subsp. glandulosa | Sticky Cinquefoil | YES | H | observed growing along a trail at edge of riparian zone south of storage area. treated as Potentilla glandulosa Lindl. subsp. glandulosa in The Jepson Manual [Ed.1] | |
Rubiaceae | Crucianella angustifolia | Crosswort | NO | H | |
Galium aparine | Cleavers | YES | H | ||
Galium parisiense | Wall Bedstraw | NO | H | ||
Galium porrigens var. tenue | Narrow-Leaved Climbing Bedstraw | YES | H | a few plants observed in several locations, near oaks | |
Saxifragaceae | Darmera peltata | Indian-Rhubarb | YES | H | plants observed on a rocky gravel bar, a singe plant observed on a rocky gravel bar |
Scrophulariaceae | Castilleja attenuata | Valley-Tassels | YES | H | |
Triphysaria eriantha subsp. eriantha | Johnnytuck | YES | H | one small population observed | |
Verbascum blattaria | Moth Mullein | NO | H | ||
Verbascum thapsus | Woolly Mullein | NO | H | ||
Solanaceae | Nicotiana acuminata var. multiflora | Many-Flowered Tobacco | NO | H | occasional on gravel bars, also observed on a drainage area in dry brushy woodland |
Solanum americanum | American Black Nightshade | YES | H | gravel bars | |
Solanum parishii | Parish's Nightshade | YES | H | a single plant observed growing on a bank above the creek on the northeast end of the preserve | |
Themidaceae | Brodiaea californica var. californica | California Brodiaea | YES | H | single plant observed in restoration garden site. plant stem broken off and I was not able to confirm it growing on site. genus previously included in Liliaceae |
Brodiaea elegans subsp. elegans | Elegant Brodiaea | YES | H | one plant observed growing out of Vinca adjacent to road leading to storage sheds. genus previously included in Liliaceae | |
Dichelostemma capitatum subsp. capitatum | Bluedicks | YES | H | genus previously included in Liliaceae | |
Triteleia bridgesii | Bridges' Triteleia | YES | H | one plant seen in flower. genus previously included in Liliaceae | |
Typhaceae | Typha latifolia | Broad-Leaved Cattail | YES | H | |
Viscaceae | Arceuthobium campylopodum | Dwarf Gray Pine Mistletoe | YES | H | growing on foothill pines. treated as Arceuthobium occidentaleEngelm. in The Jepson Manual [Ed.1] |
Phoradendron serotinum subsp. macrophyllum | Big-Leaved Mistletoe | YES | H | growing on cottonwood. treated as Phoradendron macrophyllum(Engelm.) Cockerell in The Jepson Manual [Ed.1] | |
Zygophyllaceae | Tribulus terrestris | Puncture-Vine | NO | H | small scattered populations |