Big Chico Creek Ecological Reserve


The Ecological Reserve contains 4.5 miles of Big Chico Creek, one-tenth of its length. The creek is home to threatened Central Valley spring-run Chinook salmon. The BCCER contains numerous tributaries, seeps, springs, and wet meadows. One goal of our restoration activities is to enhance groundwater recharge and increase the base flow of the creek.

Benigno, Gina Marie (2011). Invertebrate Drift in Neighboring Perennial and Seasonal Tributaries of the Sacramento River (PDF)

Cresswell, Danielle (2004). Summer Stream Temperatures Experienced by Adult Spring-Run Chinook Salmon in a Central Valley Stream (PDF)

DeCarvalho, Patrick (2012). Stream Gauging, Groundwater Monitoring, and Isotopic Analysis in Big Chico Creek, California (PDF)

FISHBIO (2013). Big Chico Creek Fish Population Survey (PDF)

FISHBIO (2014). Big Chico Creek Fish Population Survey (PDF)

FISHBIO (2019). Big Chico Creek Fish Population Survey (PDF)

FISHBIO (2020). Big Chico Creek Fish Population Survey (PDF)

FISHBIO (2021). Big Chico Creek Fish Population Survey

FISHBIO (2022). Big Chico Creek Fish Population Survey (PDF)

Madrigal, Diana, & Martinez, M. (2022). Observational Assessment of the Big Chico Creek Ecological Reserve (BCCER) New Addition Through Spring Diversity (PDF)

Murphy, W.M., & Perkins, C.L. (2006). Spring, Creek, and Groundwater Chemistry in the Big Chico Creek Ecological Reserve and the Butte Basin, California (PDF)

Perkins, Carol (2013). Geologic and Hydrologic Controls on Spring, Stream, and Ground Water Chemistry in the Big Chico Creek Watershed and Butte Basin, California (PDF)

Villegas-Fregoso, Andrea (2021). Stream Monitoring Station in Big Chico Creek (PDF)

Willard, Eric (2009). Temperature and Relative Humidity Gradients of Intermittent and Perennial Tributaries in Northern California (PDF)