College of Behavioral & Social Sciences

BA in Social Science


The BA in Social Science is designed for students who have a broad interest in the behavioral and social sciences. At Chico, the social science program includes the disciplines of anthropology, child development, economics, geography and environmental studies, health and community services, history, political science, psychology, sociology, social work, and gender and multicultural studies.


The CSU, Chico Social Science Program provides a multidisciplinary learning environment that teaches students how to think critically and globally about human interactions within society and to apply this expanded world view to their professions. The program promotes an understanding of cultures, the value of research and service to the community, and the importance of social responsibility and active participation in civic life.

The mission statement reflects the unique nature of the program to provide a multidisciplinary curriculum from across the university with a focus on the disciplines from within the College of BSS. The major provides an interdisciplinary and integrated learning experience that promotes an understanding of the individual and of society as well as an appreciation of social responsibilities that parallels the university’s strategic priority for a “purposeful integration of liberal and applied learning that provides our students with the knowledge, skills, and moral and intellectual virtues that form the basis for lifelong learning and contribution.”

The mission statement mirrors the university’s mission and priorities in that it highlights integration of liberal and applied learning, public service, diversity and the knowledge, skills and attitudes needed to provide leadership and be contributing members of society.

Goals & Objectives

  • Graduates will be equipped with the knowledge, skills, values, and ethics that are required to meet the challenges faced by diverse individuals, groups, organizations and communities in a changing global environment.
  • Graduates will learn to communicate clearly, intelligently, and effectively, in both writing and speaking, in their academic as well as professional careers.
  • Graduates will possess skills and perspectives to solve complex social problems, to engage in communication and collaboration across the social science disciplines, and to utilize a shared infrastructure for social science research.
  • Graduates will develop a sense of social responsibility and commitment to equity in a multicultural and multiracial society and apply these values in working with individuals and families, creating learning environments, and collaborating with community members and agencies.
  • Graduates will possess knowledge and skills to become informed and participating citizens.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Written Communication: Students can express ideas in concise, coherent and grammatically correct prose.
  2. Oral Communication: Students can deliver effective presentations using appropriate academic discourse and technologies.
  3. Quantitative Reasoning: Students can interpret, analyze, and display quantitative information.
  4. Diversity: Students will demonstrate knowledge of diverse cultural, ethnic, and social groups.
  5. Information Literacy: Students can locate, evaluate and use needed information and sources in an ethical and legal manner.
  6. Critical Thinking: Students can apply theories to real world situations in a reasoned and reflective manner.