BSS Faculty Brown Bag Series
December 6, 2024
BSS Student Symposium
May, 2025
BSS Awards & Scholarships Ceremony
May 16, 2025
BSS Commencements
May 17, 2025
The following is a brief discussion of active research projects Dr. Hart has ongoing at this time. This list is not necessarily exhaustive, and the opportunity to develop a research project with Dr. Hart is typically an option. Feel free to bring any topics to her at any time.
This study was initially aimed at exploring disordered eating attitudes and mindfulness; however, many variables are available, allowing for the pursuit of many different research questions. Examples include (but are not limited to) optimism, gratitude, peer support, emotion regulation, positive affect, disordered eating attitudes, and mindfulness. Data collection has concluded on this study resulting in n=420 sixth through twelfth grade students; therefore, activities might include exploring the variables available and conducting a literature review to develop research questions.
This project is working with a local preschool (ASCDL) to support and evaluate the incorporation of the MindUp curriculum. This project’s overall goals include evaluation of implementation of the curriculum by the teachers, creation and provision of resources for parents, and exploration of ways to evaluate the implementation or development of research questions (e.g., what mindfulness strategies do teachers find most salient for preschool students or are mindfulness techniques effective in reducing aggression in early childhood). Data is currently being collected, and therefore, the student would be included in that phase of the project, as well as investigating the use-ability of such a curriculum in that setting. Additionally, activities related to evaluation of MindUP being the “best” curriculum for ASCDL will also occur through program development discussions.
This project is currently being implemented in a lower division undergraduate course. The goal is to incorporate mindfulness and other coping skill-building activities into the first five to ten minutes of class to promote psychological thriving in college students. Activities for the Honors student might include development of IRB/HS documents, identification of surveys (e.g., variables) to include in a pre- and post-test research intervention design, refinement of activities (e.g., gratitude, visualization) and data management in SPSS.
This is a very broad and loose research area at this time, but something of great interest. Several options might include i) participation in a manuscript being prepared related to risk and resilience (aka toxic stress), ii) assistance in accumulating materials to be used in the development of coursework for a risk and resilience course being proposed by Dr. Hart, iii) to include specific risk and resilience variables (e.g., ACEs) in the project mentioned in c—Enhancing Coping within Courses—in order to specifically address this topic.
There is a new research opportunity Dr. Hart is developing with a curriculum called Camp Make Believe/Step-Up. The developer of this curriculum has data and is looking to collaborate with researchers to examine the data. This project is in the early stages of development and currently includes validation efforts regarding one “step” of the curriculum, “Manipulative Behaviors”, which might offer an Honor’s student with literature review, data management and analyses, grant writing, and presentation opportunities. However, additional studies are being developed that will include universal implementation in a school (students N=750) in Las Vegas and Kern County (districts N=57).