Campus Calendar

Study Abroad & Exchange Info Sessions

Announced on: Monday, Feb. 13, 2023

Learn about your study abroad or study away program options! We offer a variety of programs in 200+ locations and 40 different countries, and a plethora of institutions across the U.S. Where will you go?

  • Tuesdays, @11 PM (In-person SSC 410)

  • Wednesdays @ 4:30 PM (Zoom 843 1274 1597 // Password: explore)

  • Thursdays @10 AM (In-person SSC 410)

  • Fridays @ 11:30 PM (Zoom 843 1274 1597 // Password: explore)

Here, you will learn all about the amazing locations and programs we have to offer. Once you have attended a session, you will be able to schedule a one-on-one appointment with a Study Abroad & Exchange Advisor to talk in-depth about our programs.

Study Abroad and Exchange

Student Service Center, Room 440