Campus Calendar

On Line Campus Caregiver Support Group

Friday, Feb. 17, 2023, 12–1 p.m.

Passages Caregiver Resource Center is hosting an online caregiver support group via Zoom. If you care for someone who is disabled or an aging adult, this group may be for you.

The term caregiver refers to anyone who provides physical, emotional, financial, or logistical support to a loved one with a disabling condition. While many people in this situation do not identify with the term "caregiver," it is important for them to know about the resources available to support them as they care for their loved one. Some examples of caregivers include: a person caring for a spouse who has suffered a stroke; someone caring for a relative who has Parkinson's disease; a grandchild providing assistance to a grandfather with Alzheimer's disease; or a parent caring for a son with a traumatic brain injury.

The most valuable support a family caregiver can receive is from a peer — someone who has been through what they are going through and can truly understand what it is like to care for a loved one. Family caregiver support groups meet once a month and are facilitated by trained staff. Caregivers learn strategies and skills to solve problems; maintain their own personal, physical and emotional health; and to provide the best care they can for those who are dependent upon them. Support Groups provide a supportive atmosphere to share experiences and ideas as a way to ease the stress of caregiving.

Contact info: 530 898-4345 or email questions to