Campus Calendar

Free Writing Tutoring in the MLIB: Now Available on Zoom Too!

Announced on: Monday, Feb. 20, 2023

In addition to our regular services in SSC 340, the Writing Center is offering free evening drop-in writing assistance to Chico State students in the Meriam Library. Find us on the 4th floor next to the computer lab.

Monday - Thursday, 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM

We have friendly tutors who are trained in all stages of the writing process. Tutors can help you

  • Understand writing goals and requirements

  • Plan and get started on your writing

  • Develop and organize ideas

  • Learn how to polish sentences

  • And so much more

Bring your essays, research projects, reports, resumes, and graduate application materials. Even your blog posts!

Can't come in? We now offer virtual drop-in sessions during our MLIB hours!

  • Zoom online drop-in allows you to see your tutor and discuss your writing with them. To use Zoom online drop-in, go to our website.