Campus Calendar

Healthy Brain Workshop

Wednesday, Mar. 29, 2023, 12:45–4:30 p.m.
**Enloe Conference Center

In recognition of Brain Injury Injury Awareness month, Brain Injury Coalition of Chico and Passages Caregiver Resource Center partnered up to offer an educational community workshop. Learn tips and tools to have an active healthy brain.

Guest Speakers:

  • Caterina Mosti, Ph.D., DBSM (Diplomate in Behavioral Sleep Medicine) of UCSF will provide information on the benefits of better sleep.
  • Ryan Perkins, Ph.D, Assistant Professor of Exercise Physiology Program at Chico State will provide information on the benefits of exercise.
  • Centers for Healthy Communities will provide a cooking demo and information on the benefits of healthy eating.
  • Erin Haley, MA, MT-BC , Neurologic Music Therapist and founder & CEO of Haley Music Therapy, will demonstrate a mindful music activity.


CLICK HERE to register.

For more information contact Brain Injury Coalition 530.342.3118.