Campus Calendar

Chico State Basic Needs Hosts Medi-Cal Application Assistance

Announced on: Friday, Sept. 08, 2023

Butte County will send an eligibility worker to the Basic Needs Center the second Tuesday of every month. They can help students apply for Medi-Cal (transfer Medi-Cal from another county) and other county benefits including Cal-Works, CalFresh, Cash Aid, and more! This event is every second Tuesday of every month starting on September 12 2023, from 1pm-4pm walk-in or by appointment in the Basic Needs Center SSC 190.

Medi-Cal Application Assistance Flyer

Book Medi-Cal Appointment Here

Questions? Contact Us! Or Visit the Hungry Wildcat Food Pantry
Open to students, staff and faculty
Student Services Center 196

(530) 898-4098


Chico State Basic Needs