Campus Calendar

Staff Council Weekly Highlights

Announced on: Wednesday, Oct. 04, 2023

Joy of Giving

The entire university is invited to participate in Joy of Giving – college offices, departments, individuals, groups, teams, sororities, fraternities, etc. The Joy of Giving Program works with Butte County Children's Services to matches campus groups with Butte County families. Your generosity this holiday season will make a big impact in the life of one or more children. Please find details on the Joy of Giving page on the Staff Council website, which includes a link to the Department Participation Family Request Form. This form should be submitted by participating groups to Staff Council by Tuesday, October 24. Approximate spending for each child is $150-$200 depending on age, so keep that in mind when determining the family size that you request.


Save the date - October 31st from 11:30-1:30pm – for the annual Halloween Koffee & Kudos with the President's Office and many friendly Staff Council Contests including awards for individual and group costumes, performance, pumpkin carving, and office decorations. See all the Halloween details including how to enter.

'Cats Caught Being Awesome

Congratulations to Will Dickison for winning the September 'Cats Caught Being Awesome Award. Consider nominating a fellow staff member for the month of October. Each month a fresh pool of applicants is considered, and the deadline is October 18th, the 3rd working Wednesday of the month. Nomination Form

Koffee & Kudos Calendar

Koffee & Kudos is open for reservations for the 2023-2024 Academic Year. Contact Staff Council at to reserve a month on the calendar for your department, or to find out more about what's involved in hosting a Koffee & Kudos event.

Staff Council Openings

Staff Council has openings for additional members. Contact Staff Council at for more information and to request the self-nomination form.