Campus Calendar

Chipotle Burrito Battle: Men of Chico vs Women of Excellence

Monday, Oct. 23, 2023, 10:45 a.m.–11 p.m.
Chipotle, Chico CA

Hey Wildcats! Women of Excellence and Men of Chico will be having a fundraiser at Chipotle NEXT Monday, October 23rd! When ordering in person, please show the flyer on our Instagram accounts: @womenofexcellence530 or @menofchico530. If you are ordering online, enter the code YCNRBXR at the checkout. To designate what program you would like the funds to go towards, please tag or DM us your receipt! We are grateful for your support!

For more information, contact the Cross-Cultural Leadership Center by email (, phone (530-898-4101), or follow our Instagram to stay up to date (@chicocclc)