Campus Calendar

New to Chico State? Want to meet new people? Join First-Year Leadership Opportunity (FLO) today!

Announced on: Monday, Jan. 22, 2024

Are you looking to meet new people? Get free snacks? Get involved on campus? First-Year Leadership Opportunity (FLO) is a perfect place for you! FLO is a year-long program that provides students with a sense of community on campus. We meet every Wednesday night from 6 - 8 p.m. in BMU 210.

After completing the program, you will earn an academic unit, a Certificate of Leadership Development, and life-long friends! We incorporate large and small group meetings that allow you to bond with other students on campus.

Fill out the interest form HERE before February 2nd. You can also find more information on our website HERE. Have a question? Email Makena Ford at or stop by BMU 220! We are always excited to talk to new students and answer questions!

The Associated Students, or "the AS," is a nonprofit auxiliary corporation of CSU, Chico that provides programs and services created for students by students. Follow along with the AS online at or on social media @aschicostate on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube. Too many emails? Sign up for text notifications here.