Campus Calendar

AS Election Meet & Greet @ Meriam Library

Thursday, Mar. 28, 2024, 11–2 a.m.
Meriam Library/SSC Plaza
FREE for students with Event Pass

The Associated Students Election is right around the corner! Join the AS for the candidate Meet & Greet on Thursday, March 28th from 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. in the Library Breezeway. Drop by and meet the candidates running for student office and receive a free lunch!

The Associated Students Election with take place Thursday, April 4th starting at 8 a.m. All regularly enrolled students have 24 hours to cast their vote for all 17 elected positions AND to designate $15 of your Revenue Sharing funds to up to three campus-recognized clubs or organizations; $15 to one,$ 7.50 to two, or $5 to three.

For more information about the election and the candidates running, or to vote online, please visit

Please email with any questions or concerns.