Campus Calendar

University Film Series: "The Last Wave," Tuesday, April 9th, 6 PM, AYRS 106, FREE

Tuesday, Apr. 9, 2024 6 p.m.
Ayres 106
FREE and Open to the Public!

University Film Series: The Last Wave, Tuesday, April 9th, 6 PM, Ayres 106, FREE and Open to the Public!

(Australia, 1977) 106 minutes. Directed by Peter Weir.

Introduced by Dr. Nathaniel Heggins Bryant (English).

A landmark film in the Australian New Wave film movement, The Last Wave is a supernatural thriller and follow-up to famed director Peter Weir's 1975 Picnic at Hanging Rock. The Last Wave follows the increasingly disturbing encounters and apocalyptic visions of a white lawyer tasked with representing four Australian Aboriginal men accused of murder. Featuring famous Australian Aboriginal actor David Gulpilil (of the Mandjalpingu clan), the film delves deeply into the tensions between white settler society and Aboriginal beliefs in 1970s Australia.

University Film Series

Director: Nathaniel Heggins Bryant