Campus Calendar

CAVE is Recruiting Staff and Interns for Fall 2024!

Announced on: Monday, Apr. 15, 2024

CAVE is recruiting staff and interns for Fall 2024 and we want YOU to join our team!

When you join the CAVE team, you have the opportunity to gain hands-on leadership experience, create connections within your community, and earn 3-units of academic credit! There is no deadline to apply, but positions are only open until filled so it's important to act fast. Each position and their descriptions are listed below!

Program Managers:

- Manage program and communicate with community partners

- Manage volunteer coordinator(s)

- Work 10 office hours a week

- Unpaid internship

- $250 scholarship with 2.0 GPA

-Click here to apply!

Volunteer Coordinators:

- Manage program volunteers

- Work 6 office hours a week

- Unpaid internship

-Click here to apply!

Events and Recruitment Coordinators & Managers:

*Coordinators work 6 office hours a week

*Managers work 10 office hours a week

-Manage Weekend Wildcat events and large days of service

- Implement volunteer and staff recruitment

- Plan staff and volunteer appreciation

- Unpaid internship

-Click here to apply!

Community Action Volunteers in Education (CAVE) is a program of the Associated Students. For more information about CAVE or the AS, please visit our website at or on social media @chicostatecave on Instagram and Facebook, and @aschicostate on TikTok and YouTube. Too many emails? Sign up for text notifications here.