Campus Calendar

The Future of Affordable Housing

Friday, Apr. 19, 2024, 6–8 p.m.
ARTS 112

The Office of Civic Engagement invites you to an exciting presentation and panel discussion: 'The Future of Affordable Housing.' Learn what housing strategies and programs have worked in the past and what has failed to meet the needs of the community. Most importantly, what does the future of affordable housing look like? What new initiatives might contribute to a more equitable model for creating affordable housing alternatives? Panelists Dr. Molly Calhoun, housing expert, Ed Mayer, Executive Director of the Butte County Housing Authority, Addison Winslow, City Council Member, will be joined by keynote presenter Hon. Alex Lee, California State Assembly Member. This important and informative event will be held on Friday, April 19th, in ARTS112 at 6pm (doors open at 5:30).

Rana Marshall
