Campus Calendar

In-Person CalPERS Retirement Counseling Sessions

Announced on: Monday, Apr. 29, 2024

The HRSC Benefits Team is excited to share that CalPERS Retirement Counselors will be returning to our campus again this spring! CalPERS has arranged for a CSU Retirement Specialist to be on our campus for individual, in-person appointments for eligible Chico State employees on the following date:

Thursday, May 9, 2024 – 8:30am – 4:30 pm

Book your appointment through your MyCalPERS account:

Go to and log in to your MyCalPERS account, then follow these steps:

1. Select Appointment from the Education dropdown options.

2. Select Appointment Reason

3. Enter Start Date of 5/9/2024.

4. Choose Delivery of In-Person

5. Select Available Appointment with CSU Chico as the location.

6. Confirm contact information and select Submit.

Appointments will be held in Kendall Hall; Room 204.

We Are Here to Help!

Please reach out to your Benefits Team at 530-898-5436 or with questions.

More information can be found on our Savings and Retirement webpage.