Campus Calendar

Aging and Disability Kickoff

Thursday, June 13, 2024, 10 a.m.–2 p.m.
Chico Masonic Family Center

Attention all Faculty, Staff, and Students with disabilities or those that want to learn more about resources for older adults and persons with disabilities, join Chico State Enterprises Passages and the Disability Action Center for our Aging and Disability Resource Kickoff.

20+ local agencies, refreshments provided, smoothie making demonstrations and tastings, and a free personal shredding truck, limit to one bin per person will be available at this event.

We hope to see you all there!

Chico State Enterprises Passages is a Non-Profit organization that offers resources and services to older adults and family caregivers for little to no cost in Butte, Colusa, Glenn, Plumas, and Tehama counties.

Chico State Enterprises Passages can be contacted at 530-898-5923 or toll free at 1-800-822-0109.

Chico State Enterprises Passages' Website:

The Disability Action Center (DAC) is a private, non-profit corporation founded in 1980 to meet specific needs of people with disabilities living in northern California. DAC assists persons with disabilities to achieve and/or maintain their independence. We provide information and resources to eliminate barriers (physical, emotional, societal, etc.) and increase opportunities for participation in the community through advocacy, education and action in our communities. Our dedicated staff provides free support!

DAC can be contacted at 530-893-8527 for the Chico office or at 530-242-8550 for the Redding office.

DAC's Website:

Chico State Enterprises, Passages and the Disability Action Center have teamed up to bring the Aging and Disability Resource Connection (ADRC) is intended to support the needs of individuals and caregivers and respect the diversity of families and cultures that make up their local communities. The ADRC's purpose is to provide a single more coordinated system for people seeking reliable information and access to Long-Term Services and Supports (LTSS).

ADRCs are intended to act as a "No Wrong Door" system that enables people of all ages, incomes, and disabilities to connect with any of the ADRC partner organizations to access a wide array of Long-Term Services and Support options in the community.

ADRC's Website: