Campus Calendar

Rebound Scholars First Fall 2024 Meeting Friday 9/27 at 5pm -hybrid in Butte 111 and Zoom

Announced on: Monday, Sept. 23, 2024

Rebound Scholars is a student organization created by justice impacted students to support each other here at Chico State.

Our first meeting of the semester will be Friday September 27 from 5:00-6:15pm. We will have pizza for our first meeting!

You can join us in-person in Butte 111 or virtually by Zoom.

Meeting ID: 843 1093 4362 Passcode: rebound

Here is the direct Zoom link:

Questions? Contact Rebound Scholars in Cats Connect.

Follow us @rbscholars_csuchico to get up-to-date info about the club.

The club is open to justice impacted students* and allies.

*Justice impacted is a term that combines the three groups below. The definitions are adapted from San Francisco State's Project Rebound and the Underground Scholars Language Guide for Communicating About Those Involved in the Carceral System.

  • Formerly Incarcerated -includes those who have been sentenced and served time in a carceral institution (prison, immigration detention centers, local jails, juvenile detention centers, etc.) and are now released.
  • System Involved - includes those who have been involved in the carceral system but have not been sentenced to a carceral institution or who have been sent for short periods of time. For example those with multiple juvenile and/or adult arrests, multiple 5150s, convictions with or without short jail stays and/or with or without court mandated supervision, etc.
  • System Impacted - include those who live or have lived in a household where one or more family members or loved ones have been or are still incarcerated (parent, sibling, husband/wife, other relative, etc.).